Flash Character Packs, Video Tutorials and more: www.CartoonSolutions.com
If we have to look at the positive side of all this, I just have to say that I love the new look of the forums, NO MORE JAR JAR BINKS!:p
Flash Character Packs, Video Tutorials and more: www.CartoonSolutions.com
I'm glad it's back too... I'm more of a lurker, although I have posted a few times. But, I was going through withdrawal of the awesome information and inspiration that comes from this place. :)
Feels fresh...kinda fun!
who am I kidding... I'm lost in this strange new world!
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf
where are the old posts?
yeah, but what about the old posts? (sob) i was kinda interested in the discussion that where happening and i had alittle thread about testing i wanted to add to (boo hoo)
and why can't I upload my avatar! I feel like I don't know who I am typing to.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf
Me too Hett15.
I feel like just a name now. :confused:
Is there a problem uploading avatars?
Avatars got nuked. May be able to restore, but it's not going to be immediate. We tested the avatar upload and it seems to work fine. Tell me more about the problem.
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.
Yippie Avatars are cool!
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf
I'm here. I normally fear change, but no more Shrek or Jar Jar feels good. I feel cleaner.
Thanks for all the hard work on the new forums.
Without shrek and the cartoons I will no longer have to quickly scroll down the page to avoid being seen at work looking at an animation website. Although I felt like I was doing something exciting...no longer...I will just have to create my own excitement!
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf
oi! what's wrong with shrek?!
if he's on my screen it looks like I'M working... :)
I am glad to see the board back up, but it looks like every other vbulletin board out there.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
I like the NEW look!
Hey Phacker,
Missed you...
Still have that crazy dog avatar...glad to know some things don't change...
I like the new look...
P.s. ...like the colors too!
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You guys are going to go crazy with the options.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Did you know you can post secret messages, just click hold and highlight between the smilies.
:p Invisible ink.....:p
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Why would you use a secret massage and how would you access it?
Just click on one side of the first smiley and drag your cursor to the other one. It's just one of the tricks everyone plays with on the other vbulletins. I thought since everyone is going to be playing with font colors and fonts, I'd share the fun.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Speaking of those characters on top of the old AWN forums...
There was Shrek, Jar Jar, Wallace and Gromit (I think).
Then there was the old fisherman and I assumed the fisherman wasn't the Gordan's fisherman but from an animated Old Man and the Sea.
But who was the Peter Lorre looking guy?
Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida
wasn't he the guy from that british claymation show? or is that Wallace and Gromit? i dunno
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf
Cool trick! Thanks Phacker for letting us in on that. I don't visit a lot forums so I'm a little forum illitarate.
Some background on forum "design" issues
When we originally launched the forums way back when, we did a considerable amount of code hacking to customize the design. That included the big graphic section across the top with the different characters that you're all referring to. Inherent to that hacking is that the more custom you make such a system, the more work it is to upgrade the core commercial product that runs the system. While I'll never be completely sure, it might have been an upgrade we didn't do because of the amount of work it would have been to re-hack the design that contributed to us getting hacked last week.
We may do a bit more customization, but I'm willing to look more like other forums in order to ensure greater security and ability to encorporate updates and new functionality. I don't think the relative plainness or similarity to other forums detracts from what our forums provide and the sense of community and cooperation we try to foster.
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.
Meant no offense Dan. I understand about the customizing. It can slow down updating or restoring. So I'll go with the generic vbulletin look. It works.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
None taken
There are always trade offs. While vBulletin has many customizable components, there are many that it doesn't have which are kind of a pain.
We'll see how much additional design we can easily change as we move forward with the new system. Right now, I'm focusing our forum development energies on getting the old threads converted.
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.
Glad everything is up and running now. I missed being able to come here. ;)
Seems like the animation forums I participate in get hacked. The site where my school's Animation Club has their forum got hacked earlier this year. Some people need to get a life aside from hacking. *sigh*
2-D animation will never die. The invention of photography did not kill painting. Why would animation be any different?
Dancing Cavy Productions
Know what you mean Cavy. Been hanging out at Flashfilmmaker.com while AWN was down and now they are off line. Don't know if it's a technical glitch, or what happenned. Ibis has been reworking the site for a few months now, but thought he was about done with it. Will be interesting to see what happenned to it.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
There's been some bad stuff out there on the net this spring as far as trojans, worms and scripts that take over your machine. Some of them even get past the firewalls and filters. Scary time actually. I've had to reformat once since January. And before that it had been a couple years. But I notice my unit doing some funny things now, so another reformat may be in my future. But then again it may just be because it's old.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
We can customize ourselves!
We can customize this board ourselves with art and such...
Cool colors....great stuff.
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Jeez, now I forget who had said something about the old posts, and having some input on testing. If I were you, I would just start a new thread (call it "testing for animation jobs, Continued" or something like that), and put your thoughts in there.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
yeah...that was kinda stinky lookin' at Jar Jar every day. :D
Dan said the computer guy is in the process of restoring all the old threads...would be awesome if he could do that.
I just wanna know...who is the idiot that would want to hack an animation forum? Of all things...must be some bored teenage slacker with nothing better to do. What could one accomplish by doing such a thing?
Visit My Online Portfolio!
I miss the darker forum design.
This one is giving me a slight suntan. :eek:
Your new avatar looks pretty pastey white Harvey.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
You really like the new font color stuff don't you Larry.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Not as white as yours. :p
Should I give her an African makeover?
It's a work-in-progress. I haven't gotten around to laying on the skin maps and hair as her modeling is still being refined.
When are we going to get animated smileys?!?
Seems obvious for the animation forum.
Hey Phacker I gotta say I like your new Avatar much better then the old one. Too many "disagreements" associated with the other. Its like your a whole new person now. The other one kind of creeped me out too. Ha ha ha. Anyways, heres to a new very bright forum!
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf
The new forums are a HUGE improvement! Special Thanks to the hard working crew that got the site back up.
Visit The PC Weenies Cartoon
"Tech Toons for the rest of us!"
Hey look the forums 1st spam
Yeay it's gone.
nothing special
Nothing special to say here for once
Just wanted to try the color.
and also the size
and, why not, the font
ok thats totally crazy
but it's good to play sometimes
:D :D :D
harvey, your avatars always scared me (in a good way). The previous one creeped me out the most--was it a monkey? An alien?....Spooooooky.... Still, they are mighty interesting...I like the lighting in this one. What if you made the lights red? EEEVIIILLL!!!
Visit My Online Portfolio!
Even my Felix icon was evil?
dang. I guess you're right :eek:
oooo, everyone's back with new faces... swade even has a new name! has he been on the run, like sandra bullock in "the net"? or, or, maybe it's a ray liotta in "goodfellas" deal, where he's testifying against some bads guys and is now in hiding?
either way, it's exciting stuff... :)
Naw... not on the run... I just thought "Swade" sounded really dumb. I figured I would use my real name instead, so it doesn't sound as immature.
By the way... In case anyone hasn't figured it out... I am the artist formerly known as Swade.
Oops. I just noticed. I am now known as a "junior member". Hehehehe
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
Thanks guys!
To the admin and all, Im a real email and registation wiz! (Apparently!) Thank you for your help in getting back in and glad to see the forums back up and running.Nice to see(?) everybody!
Is there no way to see who is on line at the time you are? I liked that on the old one, except in SOME people's case, as they set themselves to invisible (for what reason, I have no idea?).
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
Except for the online list (http://forums.awn.com/online.php?), who knows.
Is there any chance to display a list of who is viewing a certain part of the board when one is currenlty viewing it, too?
I mean, if you look at a thread for exmaple, is it possible to see who is viewing it or posting in it in the same time by looking at a list right below the last post or so? Is there a feature for something like that?
I experienced that such a small feature can be quite useful at times.
Come on, guys! Nobody lives forever!
If you look at the bottom of the page you will notice a 'Forum Jump' option. You can use it to go to the Who's Online page and see who is on and what they are doing ex: so and so is viewing this thread in the cafe forum, so and so is replying to thread in desktop forum, and so and so is viewing user profiles. You can also see if they have instant messaging capabilities. I guess in Nico's situation, the easiest thing to do is open up the Who's Online in another Window or Tab (depending on the browser being used) and toggle between the two whenever you feel the need too.
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Hi everyone,I am a newly
Hi everyone,I am a newly registered here, but I have been reading your forum sparely, I decided to post because I see a huge variety of topics. I hope I post this at the right place, lately I am into anime gambling, I am looking to have some fun and not ruin my career. Everybody has a hobby, this is mine. I know it a sensitive topic, but if you have any nice anime gambling site that are legit, it will be greatly appreciated! So far I found this online anime slots and it seems nice. Do you know any other one? Thank you