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Sitting in the Underground

Cafes and Coffeehouses!

I really enjoy a good cafe or coffeehouse - not particularly for the beverages - but for the scene. They are great places to people watch and to sketch people. With practice, it is easy to glance at someone- get their attitude or pose or face and transfer that via pen and waterbrush to a sketch book.

Here are a couple pages from the UNDERGROUND coffeehouse (on Main and Coffee Streets) in Greenville, SC.

The Underground IS underground. A wonderful basement level cafe with tables and chairs and couches and a stage for night-time events, films  and performances...and they are expanding!

It is a great place to draw!

A page of people sketches using pen and waterbrush

A page of people sketches using pen and waterbrush

more people as they drift in early last Sunday morning

more people as they drift in early last Sunday morning

More to come...still animated!