You can submit your animated feature film to the 29th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film for the AniMovie feature-length film competition only until January 17, 2022!
Deadline for Submissions: January 17, 2022
Last chance: You can submit your animated feature film to the 29th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film for the AniMovie feature-length film competition only until January 17, 2022!
For the AniMovie competition, productions over 60 minutes in length and which at the time of the Festival, have not yet had an official cinema release or other commercial exploitation in Germany, are eligible.
Please read the festival regulations before submitting your film to ITFS 2022 via
Other competitions:
Trickstar Business Award
The Trickstar Business Award is the award for the best innovative and groundbreaking business model for a project or a company in the field of animation with a cash prize of 7,500 €, sponsored by Verband Region Stuttgart.
It will be awarded during Animation Production Days (APD) 2022 by the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (ITFS). You can submit your innovative business concept for your project or your company for the Trickstar Business Award until March 01, 2022!
Regulations & Submission Form
We're looking forward to your submissions!
Kindest regards and stay healthy,
Andrea Bauer
Head of Programme