KROK International Animated Film Festival 2015 Sets Sail on September - CALL FOR ENTRIES

The KROK International Animated Film Festival will take place from 27th of September to 3rd of October 2015, and are looking for film submissions!

My good friends at the KROK International Animaton Festival have asked me to help spread the word that the deadline for submitting films is June 15th.  I have sailed on the KROK boat for many years and it is always a wonderful experience.

The General direction of International Animated Film Festival KROK is pleased to announce that KROK will take place from 27 September to 3 of October, 2015 on the following route:
Saint Petersburg - Lodeynoye Pole – Petrozavodsk – Goricy – Cherepovets – Dubna – Moscow.



We invite you to participate in KROK-2015!
You can submit your films for selection till 15th of June.
We suggest the following file hosting services for sending the films:,, http://dropmefil...
(send the links on your films at
You can also send your films on a DVD on the following address:
IAFF KROK international relations
6 Saksagansky Str., Kyiv 
Ukraine, 01033
+38 044 287 52 80
We also ask you to send with your film a still from the film, director's biography, filmography, photo and completed entry form (attached in the letter). 

 Entry form is available at -