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Anibar Animation Academy has opened the call for its 5th generation

The Animation Academy aims to provide an education program to build a new generation of animators from Kosovo, exposing young people to animated film as an art form.

Anibar Animation Academy has opened the call for the 5th generation

The Animation Academy aims to provide an education program to build a new generation of animators from Kosovo, exposing young people to animated film as an art form. This program serves as an extracurricular program for those interested in animation in the City of Prishtina and Peja. The program will last for 6 months, while students will learn six components of animation, including: Animated Storytelling, Design of Animation, Principles of Animation, Basics of Softwares, Editing and Montage, Sound Editing.

To apply you need to send a story with 5 or more drawings to sends e-mail) as well as a portfolio with the subject Application for the Academy of Animation, as well as fill out this form!

The call closes on October 15, 2021, at 00:00.
Applicants must be 16 years old or older to apply

Check this video for the details! If you want to see works from the previous generations, or you want to know more about the Animation Academy, you can visit our social accounts:

Facebook: Akademia e Animacionit
Instagram: akademiaeanimacionit
YouTube: Anibar Animation Festival