Editor's Notebook
Experimental vs. Narrative Films: Do You Have to Choose?
Educators Amy Kravitz, Roger Noake and Rolf Bhler offer points of view regarding the student dilemma of choosing a direction for thesis films.
Cartoombria: Anime and Independent Animation
One of Italy's most popular festivals took on a serious subject this year. Chiara Magri offers her insight.
CARTOOMBRIA fra animé e film d'autore
Are animation and multimedia producers really learning to work together? Deborah Todd gives us the lowdown of what happened at the 1998 International Content Market for Interactive Media (MILIA) in MILIA 1998: Towards Convergence?
Dirdy Birdy
Educators Amy Kravitz, Roger Noake and Rolf Bhler offer points of view regarding the student dilemma of choosing a direction for thesis films.
Funding Co-Productions: A Complicated But Tasty Recipe
Michael Hirsh explains firsthand the recipe for success that has NELVANA's co-productions filling the airways on both sides of the Atlantic and beyond.
Liquid Light Studios Says,
Julie Pesusich, of Liquid Light Studios, discusses the formation of a startup CGI company and their current co-production with Mexican director Jorge Ramirez-Suarez.
The Netherlands Institute for Animation Film
The Netherlands unique institute of art promotes Dutch animated filmmaking on many levels. Erik van Drunen & Mette Peters report.
A Literary Draw: Storyopolis An Interview with Storyopolis Co-founder Fonda Snyder
Wendy Jackson interviews Fonda Snyder, co-founder of Storyopolis, a unique company which is a symbiosis of a bookstore, art gallery, development think tank and production company.
The Digital Video Conference and Exposition in Burbank, California
John Parazette-Tillar takes us to the Digital Video Conference and Exposition, where he leads us through the classes and shows us what's new.
Dirdy Birdy
Wendy Jackson interviews Fonda Snyder, co-founder of Storyopolis, a unique company which is a symbiosis of a bookstore, art gallery, development think tank and production company.
The Castle of Pastime: Kratochvile
Edgar Dutka details one of his favorite places; the permanent exhibition of Czech animated film at the Kratochvile Castle.
PlayStation: An Unassuming Jack
Why is the Sony PlayStation becoming the most popular home gaming console? Joseph Szadkowski sheds light on their shrewd, and simple, business plan.
Multimedia Down Under
Mark Morrison gives us the lowdown on the Australian multimedia world. Despite government support and eager talent, distance and distribution remain two challenges.
Welcome To The Neverhood
Doug TenNapel and Mike Dietz take us on a full tour of The Neverhood, a cutting-edge studio which uses claymation to create interactive games.
Un Jour: A Woman's Metaphorical Narrative
Don Perro reviews Un Jour, Marie Paccou's latest film about a woman who wakes up with a man in her belly.
Flight Simulators: A Bird's Eye View
Pilot Daniel Rein applies his knowledge from both the Air Force and the commercial airlines business, to his top flight simulator game picks.
The Encyclopedia Simpsonica
Joe Toledo reviews The Simpsons: A Complete Guide to our Favorite Family which details every fact of Simpson trivia known to man - plus some!
A Conversation With Piotr Dumala and Jerzy Kucia
Melissa Chimovitz interviews Polish independent animators Jerzy Kucia and Piotr Dumala, with the help of oTTo Alder, at the Fantoche Film Festival.