Cartoons on the Bay: A Different Type of Festival
Heather Kenyon discusses Cartoons on the Bay, the world's only television animation festival, a uniquely Italian event set in the midst of some of the earth's most beautiful scenery.
Time To Get Some Training
So, you've chosen your software program. What now? Well, there are a few different ways to approach training as John Edgar Park explains.
Choose Your Software Wisely
Which 3D packages will get you work and which ones will leave you feeling unwanted? You better choose carefully and John Edgar Park is here to help you out with the decision.
Having What It Takes: A Recruiting Survey
What are the most important elements to have on your resume? Hear some responses and insights from the folks that do the hiring about what's crucial to be a strong contender in this tough market. Joan Kim reports.
On Co-Directing Shrek: Victoria Jenson
DreamWorks' next CG animated feature is soon to hit theaters nationwide. Chris Koseluk sits down with Victoria Jenson and discusses working with superstar comedians and the latest in technology.
The Magic Pudding: Making A Feature In Oz
Stephen Lynch interviews Robbert Smit, one of Australia's most experienced directors, on Energee Entertainment's latest feature and the trials and rewards of making a film in Oz.
The Career Coach: Resumes That Work
In today's competitive animation job market, make sure your marketing materials are current so you can stay competitive too.Here are some tips on how to craft a resume that will help you get the job you want.
The Australian Effects and Animation Festival 2001
Stephen Lynch visited Sydney's AEAF 2001 and found it to be a treasure trove of star talent presenting some of the most exciting effects coming to a screen near us soon.
Nine And A Half Questions with David Stephen Cohen
Will Ryan asks writer David Stephen Cohen 9 1/2 pointed questions regarding opera, Courage the Cowardly Dog and how many degrees of separation there are between he and Kevin Bacon.
Producing Animation: Getting In The Door
This month's Producing Animation excerpt by Catherine Winder and Zahra Dowlatabadi discusses animation's three main job categories and a little about how to get started in each.
Come Together: Online and On-Air Converge on
When it comes to convergence is pushing the envelope and reaping the rewards. Brett Rogers reveals the Website's winning philosophy and hopes of becoming extinct in the near future!
Brussels Turns 20!
The Brussels Cartoon and Animated Film Festival celebrated its 20th anniversary. Join us for a special photo gallery of twenty years.
The Funding of Independents
Heather Kenyon finds out how some of the past years' leading independent films were funded. From Flying Nansen, to On the Possibility of Love, to Rejected, to Clandestino and more, we find out how these clever filmmakers positioned themselves in the money.
Why Does It Take Ten Years!?!
Okay, so maybe ten years is an exaggeration, but why do the majors' feature films take so long to make? Evan Backes investigates.
Gaming: A Similar Process For A Different End Result
While they are two very different mediums, with different demands and dollars, the development of a video game compares with the production of a movie -- and so do their audiences. Jacquie Kubin explains.
Producing Animation: An Introduction
Welcome to Producing Animation, Catherine Winder and Zahra Dowlatabadi's new book, which discusses the nuts and bolts and beyond, of the mysterious art of producing.
Acting For Animators
Veteran animation director Paul Brizzi reviews Ed Hooks' book, which combines his years of theater and teaching experience to reveal principles Brizzi says ring true.
New from Japan: Anime Film Reviews
Fred Patten reviews the latest anime releases including: Trigun, Shamanic Princess, Blue Seed, Silent Service and Maze.
My Trip To Tehran
The Tehran International Animation Festival ran February 19 - 22, 2001. Nag Vladermersky was lucky enough to attend and relates his experiences animated and otherwise.
Xilam: A New Convergence Studio With A Tried and True Business Sense
Marie Beardmore sits down with Marc du Pontavice to learn about the many facets of Xilam as it takes to television, gaming, the Web, features and more.
Walking To Toontown, Part 1
How have we all ended up in this animated world? Martin "Dr. Toon" Goodman relates his journey into animation fandom. Does it resemble your own?