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ANIMATIONWorld Magazine



SIGGRAPH, held between August 4-9, at the Morial Convention Center, in New Orleans, is the world's largest and most prestigious computer technology event dealing with computer graphics and interactive techniques, of which animation plays a major part. The annual conference is put on by what was once known as the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics (i.e., SIGGRAPH). This year marked the 23rd running of the big daddy of all computer graphic conferences, which acts as a showcase for all the newest and greatest achievements in computerized...


Hiroshima 96, Journal de bord

Monique Renault (Pays-Bas).Jeudi 22, premier jour du festival Arriv hier apr avoir survolla moitidu monde sans en avoir vu grand chose. Si. Taiwan. C'est beaucoup plus grand que je ne l'imaginais. Pour moi, Taiwan c'etait un amoncelement de petits ateliers oles gens s'entassent pour fabriquer des faux Dior, des fausses Rayban ou Adidas ... Apparemment ils ont aussi des montagnes et de la verdure.

Je suis contente de revenir Hiroshima. En mai dernier, pour la selection - ah! la section! - j'avais douvert le...

Animation ANIMATIONWorld

Hiroshima Diary

Translated by William MoritzMonique Renault (Netherland).Thursday, August 22, First Day of the Festival Arrived yesterday after having flown halfway around the world without seeing very much of it. Yes, Taiwan. It's much bigger than I had imagined. I thought Taiwan was just a pile of little workshops where people made counterfeit Diors, false Raybans or Adidas ... Evidently there are also mountains and greenery.

I'm happy to be back in Hiroshima. Last May, for the selection of films--Ah! that selection!--I discovered Japan. You encounter the politeness of the Japanese while working,...


The Cockroaches of Joe's Apartment

Author John Berger has observed that the only other living things that will survive alongside human evolution will be those which humans eat (like cows and chickens) and the cockroach. As Ralph, the lead cockroach in John Payson's unconventional feature film, Joe's Apartment has prophesied, after the bomb drops, roaches will rule the world. The idea of using the most universally loathed insect as a means to examine the landscape of human relatedness to other humans and the world they inhabit, questions the belief of human vitality and longevity. As a species, we are extremely...

Festival ANIMATIONWorld

Images From Hiroshima '96

The International Animation Festival in Hiroshima is often referred to as the most organized animation festival in the world, and for good reason. Every screening, symposium, publication, party, exhibition, press conference and ceremony of the festival was expertly timed, translated and presented by a dedicated group of staff members and volunteers. For details on specific programs, please read Monique Renault's personal account of the week's events elsewhere in this issue.

What is really so unique about Hiroshima is its simultaneous dedication to the art of animation and the promotion of...
