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ANIMATIONWorld Magazine

Animation ANIMATIONWorld

It Takes Three To Tango: Students

Lyn Hart, Capilano College Commercial Animation Program, North Vancouver, B.C. Here I am; a squeaky-clean, fresh-out-of-school animation graduate. With my portfolio in hand and a slightly hesitant smile, I'm stepping out into the real world. But what has my two years of sweat and toil in Capilano College's Animation Program done for me?

For starters, it did exactly what it was supposed to do by providing me with the important basics I needed to land my first job. Some might have expected more. I must admit, I thought I was pretty hot stuff when I first began my animation education. I soon...

Animation ANIMATIONWorld

Declaration Of Independents: Independent Animation is Alive and Well in New York

Melissa Chimovitz profiles the healthy independent animation scene in New York, focusing on the work of seven animators: George Griffin, John Canemaker, Kathy Rose, Debra Solomon, Steve Dovas, Lewis Klahr, Janie Geiser.


L'industrie francaise de l'animation 3D en danger

Dans sa Lettre Ouverte au Ministre de l'Economie, de l'Industrie et des Finances et au Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, Georges Lacroix nous alerte sur le danger encouru par l'industrie de l'animation 3-D en France, et en particulier la sociFante, aujourd'hui menac de fermeture.


Animated Films In Psychiatry: The Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Lausanne Cery Hospital, 1962-1981

Nag Ansorge discusses his teaching experiences at The Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Lausanne and describes the patients' animation production process as well as the films that they created. In English and French.
