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ANIMATIONWorld Magazine

Animation ANIMATIONWorld

Brisbane Animation Festival

Festivals are wonderful places to discover the like-minded and the like-minded wannabes. The debut of the Brisbane Animation Festival, cheekily entitled Celluloid Briefs, drew the vibrant Queensland animation community and the lovers of animation to revel in two days of flickering projected images. And, it appears from the success of this first time out, it will be, as the organizers have promised, a biennial event.

Brisbane, a city of about one and a half million has a surprisingly active animation group. With 260 members in the Queensland Animators Group, the organization is certainly on...

Animation ANIMATIONWorld

Ottawa International Animation Festival

By Gene Walz | Friday, November 1, 1996 at 12:00am

If you like to second-guess jury decisions, Ottawa '96 was the perfect animation festival for you. Almost as good as the O.J. Simpson trial. Even the Grand Prize Winner engaged in some public secondguessing.Ottawa award winners, Igor Kovalyov, Pritt Parn and Paul Dressien.When Russian animator Igor Kovalyov came forward to accept his best film of the festival trophy for Bird in the Window, he was suitably gracious if somewhat stunned. He thought Priit Parn would win it for his film 1895.

This was the perfect ending to an enjoyable animation festival that featured some peculiar choices for...



SIGGRAPH, held between August 4-9, at the Morial Convention Center, in New Orleans, is the world's largest and most prestigious computer technology event dealing with computer graphics and interactive techniques, of which animation plays a major part. The annual conference is put on by what was once known as the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics (i.e., SIGGRAPH). This year marked the 23rd running of the big daddy of all computer graphic conferences, which acts as a showcase for all the newest and greatest achievements in computerized...
