ANIMATIONWorld Magazine

Animation ANIMATIONWorld

Thinking about the World Animation Celebration '98

Ray Harryhausen, who brought puppets from the production of his stop-motion visual effects, was presented a Lifetime Achievement Award by modern-day counterpart, Ken Ralston. © Craig Skinner/Celebrity Photo, courtesy of WAC.Well, here I am after a week of WAC and I'm pretty much none the worse for the wear. Then again, I spent a full day at the Internet Pow-Wow on Monday, took Tuesday completely off, went to only a few events on Wednesday and Thursday then attended solid screenings between 1 to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday. Some of my friends who attended the festival did a lot more and they had the...

Festival ANIMATIONWorld

Contato em Havana

O Programa do Festival Internacional do Novo Cinema Latino-Americano.O Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latino-americano mais uma raz para se visitar Cuba no inio de Dezembro. Em sua 19 edio, o Festival de Havana o maior evento cinematogrico inteiramente dedicado ao cinema latino, sendo muito prestigiado junto aos produtores, diretores e artistas destes paes. Ree longas, mias e curtas metragens de fico, documentios, um concurso de cartazes e de roteiros e, at last but...
