Career Coach: The Confidence Game
Bill Desowitz reports back from the VES Awards, where the best in visual effects for 2003 and the career of George Lucas were honored.
Toy Fair 2004
Vendors upbeat, despite toy industry challenges as licensing veteran reporter Karen Raugust chronicles Toy Fair 2004 in New York City.
Animated Causes and Convenience Reign at NATPE 2004
It seemed to be Year of Monkey and causes, at least for animation at NATPE 2004. That and, if you want to sell animation to Latin America, you better have lots of anime. Sarah Baisley compares the NATPE market to previous ones and highlights trends and new offerings.
New from Japan: Anime Film Reviews
Shelley Page reports back from Imagina about the daunting task of tackling a trade show, festival AND conference all at once.
Bottom Line: Animation for Older Audiences
Greg Singer examines the business considerations for acquiring, marketing and distributing adult-oriented animated features in North America.
Analogy and Animation: Oscar 2004: Let the Techno Wars Begin!
In this fifth of a six-part series, Ellen Besen looks at Oscar-nominees Finding Nemo and The Triplets of Belleville and compares and contrasts their core analogies.
Fresh from the Festivals: February 2004’s Film Reviews — A Special More-Significant-Than-Usual Oscar® Edition
Special Oscar Edition! Taylor Jessen reviews five short films: The Hunger Artist by Tom Gibbons, Eternal Gaze by Sam Chen, Rockfish by Tim Miller, Nibbles by Chris Hinton, Destino by Dominique Monfrey, Gone Nutty by Carlos Saldanha. Includes QuickTime movie clips!
Bardel Entertainment: Success Painted in Broad Strokes
Bardel Entertainment Inc. started in 1987 as cel painting service house. Today, the Canadian company is flying high as such high-profile projects Dragons and Silverwing take to the air.
Bardel Sidebar
That was the question I constantly had to answer while isolated from my old colleagues, and hunkered in this distant and seemingly God-forsaken communist-gripped misery. This chapter answers the question. Was I a pinko? A spy? An enemy agent? A CIA man? Or did I just happen to fall into something too good to be true?
Deconstruction Zone — Part 1 (Or: Semiotics Means Never Having to Signify You’re Sorry)
Licensing 101: How to Create Additional Revenue from Animation-Based Merchandise
Karen Raugust takes a comprehensive look at licensing of animated-related merchandise. Experts give advice about trying to tackle this area on your own and what it can mean to your bottom line.
The New Age of Animation at Sundance
Joe Strike looks at daytime TV successes of 2003 in the U.S and what we can expect from 2004. He talks to industry vet Fred Seibert and network pundits at Kids WB!, FOX BOX, Disney/ABC, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, as well as Linda Simensky, in her new role at PBS.
Career Coach: Breaking Up is Hard to Do
The Career Coach talks about how and why to shop for your next job gracefully without antagonizing your current employer.
Why Prague, For God’s Sake?
That was the question I constantly had to answer while isolated from my old colleagues, and hunkered in this distant and seemingly God-forsaken communist-gripped misery. This chapter answers the question. Was I a pinko? A spy? An enemy agent? A CIA man? Or did I just happen to fall into something too good to be true?
Concept to Creation: Interview with Rachelle Lewis — Animation Recruiting
Mark Simon concludes his series of 12 excerpts from his new book, Producing Independent 2D Character Animation: Making and Selling a Short Film.
Mr. Fun Strikes Again! A (Somewhat Biased) Review of Floyd Norman’s 'Son of Faster Cheaper'
Continuing our excerpts from the Inspired 3D series, Keith Lango presents part two of a two-part tutorial on lip-sync and facial animation.
2003 TV Wrap-Up, What’s in Store for 2004
Joe Strike looks at daytime TV successes of 2003 in the U.S and what we can expect from 2004. He talks to industry vet Fred Seibert and network pundits at Kids WB!, FOX BOX, Disney/ABC, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, as well as Linda Simensky, in her new role at PBS.
Analogy and Animation: A Special Relationship Part 4 — Good Studios, Bad Films, v.2
Continuing our excerpts from the Inspired 3D series, Keith Lango presents part one of a two-part tutorial on lip-sync and facial animation.
Fresh from the Festivals: January 2004’s Film Reviews
Taylor Jessen reviews five short films fresh from the festival circuit: Boys Night Out by Bert Klein and Teddy Newton, Ward 13 by Peter Cornwell, Boxed In by Will Becher, Cane Toad by Andrew Silke and David Clayton, and Oola Oop Der by Carolle-Shelley Abrams. Includes QuickTime movie clips!
Estonian Animation X-rayed
Martin Dr. Toon Goodman continues his behind the scenes look at Atomic Cartoons to see how much work and time goes into getting a show off the ground.
Baseman in Wackyland: Squashing and Stretching 'Teacher’s Pet' to Fill the Big Screen
Bill Desowitz interviews Teacher's Pet creator Gary Baseman about his pet projects jump to the big screen.
Three Godfathers; Three Successes
Anime expert Fred Patten looks at Tokyo Godfathers, Satoshi Kons third animated feature, which makes it three hits in a row for Japans brilliant director.