Uma Aventura em Desenho Animado nos limites da Floresta Amazônica
Um artigo de Wilson Lazaretti descrevendo suas aventuras ao ensinar animao para os indenas da floresta amazica.
MicroSites: Easy to Make, Hard to See
Want to make professional-looking banners for the Web that are complete with animations? Ged Bauer puts this new banner-creating software, MicroSites, to the test.
The Most Wonderful Voyage in Folioscope
A review of the 1998 Brussels Cartoon and Animated Film Festival, by Valie Hamon-Rivoallon. Available in French and English.
Rugrats Hit the Road
When television's number one rated toddlers hit the road with Rugrats: A Live Adventure, Animation World sent Ron MacFarlane to see Nickelodeon's stage show.
Everywhere But On a Desert Island....
A survey of animation industry professionals around the globe, asking, "What ten animated films would you want to have with if stranded on a desert island?"
SGI: Simulating A Lot More Than Dinosaurs
Silicon Graphics, Inc. is the leader in simulation animation. Thor J. Mednick discovers just how broad the applications are, from military to medical.
Studio Tour: Nicktoons
Animation World Magazine attended the opening celebration of Nickelodeon's brand new animation studio in Burbank, California. Join us on a visual tour of the first new television animation studio to open in Hollywood in 35 years.
MILIA 1998: The Key Points
Anne-Marie Meissonnier describes The International Content Market for Interactive Media's (MILIA) main topics in "MILIA 1998: The Key Points," available in French and English.
An Afternoon with Max Howard, President, Warner Bros. Feature Animation.
Heather Kenyon interviews Max Howard, President, Warner Bros. Feature Animation, on his thoughts about the creation of a state-of-the-art studio, its' second feature Quest for Camelot, and the future of the animated features business.
Disney's Atomic Fleet
Mark Langer relates Walt Disney's role inmaking the atom our friend through his relationships with major Americanarms manufacturers, the U.S. government and the production, Our FriendThe Atom.
Atelier Graphoui: Lending a Voice
Tania Nasielski describes the projects of Belgium's Atelier Graphoui, an animation studio that helps the silent be heard through pro-social projects in developing nations.
Atelier Graphoui, porte-parole
Tania Nasielski drit les activit de l'Atelier Graphoui, studio belge d'animation, qui rlise des projets sociaux-culturels dans des pays en voie de deloppement. Deux de ces projets sont present dans ce numo, l'un rlisen Afrique, l'autre en Bolivie.
Westwood's Fortune: UCLA Film and Television Archive
Film preservationist Jere Guldin highlights the holdings of the largest university-based media archive in the United States. With over 200,000 select holdings, the UCLA Film and Television Archive in Los Angeles is a gem.
Cult Heroes and Their Secrets
What makes a show or character a cult craze? Dominic Schreiber investigates the similarities, from South Park to SpeedRacer.
MILIA: Towards Convergence?
Are animation and multimedia producers really learning to work together? Deborah Todd gives us the lowdown of what happened at the 1998 International Content Market for Interactive Media (MILIA) in MILIA 1998: Towards Convergence?
Editor's Notebook
MicroSites: Easy to Make, Hard to See
Want to make professional-looking banners for the web that are complete with animations? Ged Bauer puts this new banner-creating software, MicroSites, to the test.
The Hamdallaye Studios: Animated Films by Villagers
An article by Aline Moens describing her involvement with an animated project in a rural African village in conjunction with Belgium's Atelier Graphoui, an animation studio that works on pro-social projects.
Once Upon a Napkin...The Blue Shoe
Marcy Gardner reviews the short, animated film The Blue Shoe, by FableVision's Peter Reynolds. This film is guaranteed to soften even the hardest heart.
Les Ateliers d'Hamdallaye Des films d'animation réalisés par des villageois
Un article d'Aline Moens, de l'Atelier Graphoui, studio d'animation belge qui a parcicipdivers projets socio-culturels en Afrique et en Bolivie.
Wonderfulissime voyage en folioscope
Compte-rendu de l edition 1998 du Festival du Dessin Anime et du Film D Animation de Bruxelles, par Valerie Hamon-Rivoallon. Article propose en francais et en anglais.