Pictures from the Brainbox: A Weekly Dose of Indie Animation -'Inherent Obligations'

Every Monday or so, Chris Robinson asks an animator how they made a particular film. This week: Rao Heidmets' Inherent Obligations (2005)

'Inherent Obligations' by Rao Heidmets

So, how’d you make this?

The film uses mix of the pixilation and the doll animation.

Why this technique?

I have always liked experimenting with different techniques. Trying to mix of these two techniques was an old dream of mine.

scene from 'Inherent Obligations' by Rao Heidmets

How long did it take?

It took around 18 months from idea to the final mix.

What was the most challenging part of the process?

Editing, definitely. We always get too excited when shooting and end up with enough material to do several different stories. So the actual movie was born during the editing period.

A conflict between dolls from Rao Heidmet's 'Inherent Obligations'

Was it worth it?

Yes, definitely. I really feel that it’s my best movie. After all, for this movie I got my best prize - Grand Prix at the 2005 Ottawa International Animation Festival, also the highest prize for all our puppet film studio.

Chris Robinson's picture

A well-known figure in the world of independent animation, writer, author & curator Chris Robinson is the Artistic Director of the Ottawa International Animation Festival.