The Digital Bollywood Initiative: NVIDIA Goes to India
J. Paul Peszko reports on NVIDIA's expansion into India as part of a global strategy to reach emerging markets.
J. Paul Peszko reports on NVIDIA's expansion into India as part of a global strategy to reach emerging markets.
VFXWorld polled professionals to see how they are coping with some of the latest technical challenges. Bill Desowitz reports back with a few highlights.
For this month, Chris Feldman reviews recent anime titles, Parasite Dolls, MegaMan NT Warrior: MegaMan vs. ElecMan and Ranma 1/2: Digital Dojo.
Tara DiLullo returns to Rome to discover how the Emmy Award-winning vfx team had to cope with less time and money in delivering work with greater scale.
Alain Bielik investigates the demanding vfx work in SCI FIs new paranormal series, The Dresden Files.
Jill Smolin returns to the annual VFX Bakeoff to report on the seven contenders vying for Oscar consideration, which this year can be summed up as "digital jiggery-pokery."
In VFXWorld's latest excerpt from The Magic of Houdini, Will Cunningham helps readers solve the mystery of using solver tools.
Adrian Pennington reports back from the Autodesk Summit in Montreal, which included a roadmap for future development.
Alain Bielik discovers how Passion Pictures and Cinesite bring exquisite literary creations to life with animation and vfx in Miss Potter.
Bill Desowitz checks out the digital delights in Valenciennes, including Supinfocom, the Digital Studios and E-magiciens.
Karen Raugust looks at how portable devices have enhanced producers and distributors ability to pitch their properties at trade shows.
In VFXWorld's latest excerpt from The Magic of Houdini, Will Cunningham discusses the basics of the graphical building interface to the VEX language.
Alain Bielik goes behind the scenes of how Peerless Camera provided seamless vfx for 007's first assignment in Casino Royale.
Renee Dunlop uncovers two holiday dramas, The Good Shepherd and Blood Diamond, which secretly boast some impressive 3D environments. Includes a QuickTime clip!
Tara DiLullo chats with Everett Burrell about CafeFX's truly collaborative work making the fantasy world of Pan's Labyrinth a reality.
Alain Bielik talks with the visual effects wizards given the task of transporting audiences into a believable, bleak near future in Children of Men.
Alain Bielik visits with the vfx wizards who have brought life to the very interactive natural history museum in Night at the Museum. Includes QuickTime clips!
Tara DiLullo takes in the visual poetry of Zhang Yimou's Curse of the Golden Flower, uncovering the secrets of bringing this epic film to life.
Peter Plantec tackles the importance of virtual acting, discovering the tricks and tools top companies are using to bring life to their digital characters. Includes a QuickTime clip!
VFXWorld picks its favorite moments of digital acting and 3D environments in this Year in Review overview from 2006. View the various clips in our VFXWorld Media Player.
J. Paul Peszko reports on the collaborative CG effort between Tippett Studio, Rhythm & Hues and Rising Sun Pictures in bringing the new live-action Charlottes Web to the screen.
Visual effects supervisor Ted Rae speaks to Bill Desowitz about the intense challenges of creating effects for Apocalypto, Mel Gibsons ambitious action/adventure about the decline of the Mayan civilization. Includes QuickTime clip!
In this month's "The Digital Eye" column, Sony Pictures Imageworks' Jenny Fulle describes how a perceptive combination of creativity, talent and technology is advancing the art.
Alain Bielik discusses the challenges of creating a unique lead dragon in Eragon with first-time director and former ILM vet Stefen Fangmeier and various supervisors.
In VFXWorld's latest excerpt from The Magic of Houdini, Will Cunningham discusses the use of initial velocity and other particle forces to be reckoned with.