VFXWorld Magazine
'Battlestar Galactica' Re Deux
Sci Fi resurrects Battlestar Galactica for a 21st century overhaul. Tara DiLullo reports back on how modern vfx are breathing new life into an old sci-fi warhorse.
'Racing Stripes': Where VFX Artists Play Dr. Dolittle
Tara DiLullo takes a ride with the visual effects wizards who raised the bar for CG-enhanced talking animals in Racing Stripes.
British Telecom 'Networking' Spot Calls for Previs
Karen Raugust reports how extensive previs created a problem solving road map for British Telecoms acclaimed Networking spot.
'Inspired 3D Short Film Production': Storyboarding — Part 1
In the first of a two-part series from the Inspired 3D Short Film Production book, Jeremy Cantor and Pepe Valencia delve into why storyboarding is so important.
'A Very Long Engagement' Previsualization
Alain Bielik chronicles how previsualization helped director Jean-Pierre Jeunet bring his epic WWI romance, A Very Long Engagement, to the silver screen.
'The Art of Machinima' Book Review
Ellen Wolff explores how ILMs Stefen Fangmeier mixed cutting edge technology with a bit of old cinema magic to help conjure the retro look of Lemony Snicket.
'Inspired 3D Short Film Production': Art Direction — Part 4
In the last of a four part series from the Inspired 3D Short Film Production book, Jeremy Cantor and Pepe Valencia finish up art direction with a look at progression and character and background connections.
UK CGI Festival London: The New Event in Town
In Part 1 of this series, Ellen Besen sits down with maverick CG director Chris Landreth, creator of Bingo and the new, breakthrough film Ryan, to discuss the current state of CG human characters and realism.
The Digital Eye: The Promise & Peril of VFX Jobs
The Digital Eye tracks the future factors awaiting visual effects artists, animators and production companies as the epicenter of work moves outside of Hollywood.
Getting Respect for Invisible VFX
Mary Ann Skweres looks at how invisible visual effects are becoming a crucial part of the industry, but are still being overshadowed by the flashy f/x.
Changing Roles — Part 2: The Visual Effects Supervisor
Rick Baumgartner talks with some of the top visual effects supervisors about how theyve had to adjust to changes in the industry.
'Phantom of the Opera': A Classic in Miniature
Mary Ann Skweres goes behind the mask to discover the invisible visual effects secrets of The Phantom of the Opera.
'Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events': `Fellini for the Family’
Ellen Wolff explores how ILMs Stefen Fangmeier mixed cutting edge technology with a bit of old cinema magic to help conjure the retro look of Lemony Snicket.
Changing Roles — Part 1: The Digital Production Artist
Karen Raugust investigates how business, creative and technological trends are transforming the vfx industry and the artists place in it.
'Inspired 3D Short Film Production': Art Direction — Part 3
In the third part of a four part series from the Inspired 3D Short Film Production book, Jeremy Cantor and Pepe Valencia continue their look at art direction with a look at props, weather and lighting.
The Virtuality 2004 Conference: Italian F/X Up Close
In Part 3 about mold making with hard and soft molds, Susannah Shaw shares secrets on casting foam latex and silicone.
Digitally Confronting the Mother of All Vampires in' Blade: Trinity'
Alain Bielik interviews visual effects supervisor Joe Bauer about the CG modeling and digital transitions performed on Blade: Trinity.
12 Predictions on the Future of VFX
Visual effects supervisor Kim Libreri explores the emerging trends in the industry and looks ahead with 12 predictions.
'Inspired 3D Short Film Production': Art Direction — Part 2
In the second of four installments on art direction for their book Inspired 3D Short Film Production, Jeremy Cantor and Pepe Valencia look at how color, texture and style help define characters and story.
The Art of CG Knife Throwing in 'House of Flying Daggers'
Tara DiLullo explores how Animal Logic and Digital Pictures handled CG weaponry, complex color palettes, on-set choreographed fighting and wire removal in Zhang Yimous acclaimed House of Flying Daggers.
ZBrush 2.0 Review
Continuing our monthly look at 3D environments, Stash magazines Stephen Price helped VFXWorld compile a gallery of some of the best 3D environments for Warhammer by Blur Studios and environmental pics by KDLAB.
Flying The Virtual Skies in 'The Aviator'
We close our focus on 3D environments with Ellen Wolffs exploration of how Rob Legato conducted the virtual aerial combat choreography in The Aviator.
Creative Human Character Animation: 'The Incredibles' vs. 'The Polar Express'
Isaac Kerlow looks at recent human 3D character animation developments in The Incredibles and The Polar Express.