Nancy Cartwright's Recent Posts
“And the Voice-Over Survey Says…”
Nancy Cartwright shares the results of her readers survey from her August column and finds inspiration in the answers.
“Inspiration” Starts with “I”
Nancy Cartwright remembers how speaking up and following through can be the key to attaining your dreams.
This Pigeon Don’t Fly
Nancy Cartwright talks about pigeonholing in the voice over business and how it just doesnt fly with her.
Be True to You
Nancy Cartwright gives some advice on making sacrifices for ones career, but always remaining true to oneself.
Nancy Cartwright discusses and gives advice about an important, but little talked about area of the voice acting business promotions and marketing.
Living The Future Today
Nancy Cartwright follows the sage advice of Charles F. Kettering, regarding the future the place where we all will be spending the rest of our lives.
Taking Care of Business
Nancy Cartwright writes about the true meaning of taking care of business, with tips on how to keep your career, and life, on track.
Being a Professional
Nancy Cartwright writes about preparing for an audition and how to stay professional despite it all.
Carpe Diem: Nancy Cartwright's Voice-Over Advice
Top voice talent Nancy Cartwright (the voice of Bart Simpson), relays how she got her start in voice acting under the tutelage of voice master Daws Butler. This is the first in a series of article she will be writing for Animation World Magazine. Stay tooned until September for the next installment.