Heather Kenyon's Recent Posts


Executive Talk: 1999 Predictions

Bertrand Mosca Responsable des Programmes Jeunesse France 3 Ce qui marquera l'ann 99, ce sera la profusion de programmes d'animation toujours plus novateurs et suisants. L'animation, en pleine effervescence l'helle mondiale, offre depuis ces dernies anns une surenche de la qualit que ce soit au niveau des concepts, des graphismes ou des performances techniques.

A France 3, onotre volume horaire de diffusion de programmes pour enfants n'est malheureusement...

Internet ANIMATIONWorld

Editor's Notebook: December 1998

Heather KenyonWow! It's an interactive future!

I can't wait to go to Disneyland in forty years. It is going to be unbelievable! Already I am a huge fan of Disneyland. The best treat for me in the past has been a two day ticket given to me for Christmas. So, to read Clark Dodsworth's article "Theme Parks in the Digital Age" is exciting not only because of his predictions of the future, but also for what is already here. I realized that the Indiana Jones ride was different every time I went through but I had no idea this could be attributed to the...


Editor's Notebook: November 1998

Heather KenyonIt is true. One cannot discuss animation without discussing Disney. From early marketing plans to today's newest animated feature, Disney has played a major role in our industry. While many may wrinkle their nose at the monolith, one must admit that the impact of this one man and his company is amazing.

In our Feature Animation section, Tom Sito discusses the turmoil at Disney Feature Animation in "Disney's The Fox and the Hound: The Coming of the Next Generation." The Fox and the Hound was a film made during the transition...
