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Tagged With: Purl

animated shorts ANIMATIONWorld

Steven Clay Hunter Reclaims His Childhood in Pixar’s ‘OUT’

In the studio’s first film featuring an openly gay main character, storyline, and on-screen same-sex kiss, the SparkShorts director tells his highly-personal story of a life spent dealing with the challenges of coming out.

Awards Headline News

SIGGRAPH 2019 Announces Computer Animation Festival Winners

Pixar’s ‘Purl’ wins best in show; Supinfocom’s ‘The Stained Club’ wins jury award and Supinfocom’s ‘Stuffed’ takes best student film award.

Pixar Headline News

WATCH: Pixar Short ‘Kitbull’ a Heartwarming Ode to Friendship

One of the first three short films to emerge from the studio’s Sparkshorts experimental storytelling initiative, ‘Kitbull’ is directed by Rosana Sullivan and produced by Kathryn Hendrickson.

Pixar Headline News

Pixar Debuts Experimental Storytelling Initiative, ‘SparkShorts’

First three animated short films -- ‘Purl,’ ‘Smash and Grab,’ & ‘Kitbull’ -- to be presented for exclusive one-week run at the El Capitan Theater alongside ‘The Little Mermaid’ starting January 18, followed by release on YouTube and Disney+ later in 2019.