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Tagged With: Keegan Michael Key

Move over Jack Skellington! VFXWorld

FuseFX Helps ‘Extend’ the Hijinks in Henry Selick’s ‘Wendell & Wild’

VFX supervisor Paul Santagada’s team used CG to build out and assemble the film’s physical Rust Bank Cemetery and Underworld sets, integrating plate elements, performance passes, secondary bits, and a bunch of fluid, smoke, breaths, and bubbles - delivering 275-300 shots across around 12 sequences on the stop-motion comedy horror film, now streaming on Netflix.

A Mountain of Entertainment Headline News

‘Key & Peele’ Inspired ‘Mr. Garvey's Mountain Survival Skills’ Released by Paramount+

The one-minute sketch features a delightful mix of the streamer’s live-action and animated characters, along with Keegan-Michael Key, part of its ‘A Mountain of Entertainment’ campaign.

Destination Torino! Headline News

Henry Selick to Receive 2022 VIEW Visionary Award

By Dan Sarto | Monday, September 26, 2022 at 5:54am

The Oscar-nominated director of Netflix’s upcoming ‘Wendell & Wild’ stop-motion animated feature will lift the lid on his new film, about two demons who team up with a teenage punk rocker and abandon the Underworld for the Land of the Living, in a special presentation as he is honored at this year’s VIEW Conference, running October 16-21 in Torino, Italy.