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I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!

By artemis259 | Tuesday, September 7, 2004 at 10:57am
What''s new? Everything!
0% (0 votes)
Who's in? Everyone!
100% (1 vote)
Total votes: 1


artemis259's picture
Submitted by artemis259 on

ok so nobody remembers me, booohoooooo, that is harsch u guys. Or maybe was I too long away?
Can anyody in there?Just nod if you can hear me, is anyone at home?(heheh , pink Floyd)

artemis259's picture
Submitted by artemis259 on

ok so nobody remembers me, booohoooooo, that is harsch u guys. Or maybe was I too long away?
Can anyody in there?Just nod if you can hear me, is anyone at home?(heheh , pink Floyd)

alto1_MO's picture
Submitted by alto1_MO on

Sorry, I don't remember you, but that's because I just signed up. :D

So hello to you.

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Hi Artemis. Nice to see you back. Great news about the Uni. As you can see AWN got a new forum. I am sure more folks will drop by and give you a shout.

artemis259's picture
Submitted by artemis259 on

Hello alto, nice to meet you:) As u can see, I am an oldie that came back from internet emigration (lol) at least from forums and all. Here I am artemis259, but if u check 3dbuzz,3dluvr and cgtalk I am "Ranma" there, heheh. I kept my old name here:D. Welcome to the forum!!!Hope to chat with you soon.

I missed the forum a lot and you don't know Phacker how much I am happy to be back, lol. And yeah, I love the new design of the forum. It looks so fresh and cool!hehehe. What's new with you? What have you been doing?? Me, well, -studying animation,
-did a short for my 3rd year uni project,
-working on a trailer for a 3d series I m helping to create
-and will hopefully attend a workshop given by a really cool German animator who just came to Leb for this!

For 2 days I am going to a camp we r doing me and my friends (we'll camp at the cedars, If I have some cool pics I'll share them(lol)..Noooooooooo, I am kidding, hehe
This is an animation site.

Tayeb, back to serious, what's new here? What's the hot talks in ani??
Hope to hear from you guys soooooon.