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AWN Headline News

Headline News

THE MUMMY has record debut

Newly released THE MUMMY, Universal Studios' CGI-laced revival of its mummyseries, which began with Boris Karloff's 1932 THE MUMMY, and continued inthe 1940s with Lon Chaney, Jr. in such films as THE MUMMY'S HAND, finishedon top in the weekend US box-office charts, grossing $43,369,635--the bestopening this year, the ninth-biggest of all time, and the highestnon-holiday debut in May. The digital effects for THE MUMMY were created byIndustrial Light and Magic.THE MATRIX remained in the top five, finishing

Animation Headline News

Disney gives kids an ANIMATION KIT

Disney Press has released a package called DISNEY'S ANIMATION KIT by Don Hahn that is intended for ages 8 and up. Priced at $19.95 the package includes the following:

18 pieces of 3-hole punched white paper4 cels1 Blue pencil1 Graphite pencil1 Flipbook featuring Mickey Mouse from "The Brave Little Tailor"1 Blank Flipbook6 non-smudge markers (red, yellow, green, blue, violet, black)1 plastic "peg bar"1 68 page workbook

Headline News


Shui-Bo Wang's Oscar nominated SUNRISE OVER TIANANMEN SQUARE makes its US TV debut Sunday, May 16 at 8 pm on HBO's Signature Channel.

SUNRISE OVER TIANANMEN also debuts in Canada on Thursday, May 27 at 9 pm and 2 am ET/PT on Vision TV. It repeats on Friday, May 28 at noon, 8 pm, and 1 am; and on Monday, May 31 at 11 am. It also airs on SCN on Friday, June 4 at 8 pm; and on TVO on Monday, June 7 at 10 pm.

Digital Headline News

SOVA senior thesis exhibition

*Thursday, May 6, 6:30 pm. New York, New York, USA.

Senior Thesis work from students of the Computer Art department of TheSchool of Visual Arts will be exhibited in the Westside Gallery at 141 West21st Street between 6th and 7th Avenues. The exhibit includes computeranimation, digital video, interactive media, digital fine art, andinstallations. A Portfolio Night and reception will be held May 6, and theexhibit will be on display May 6 to May 24. For more information call

Headline News

CalArts Character Animation student screening to be held

*Friday, May 7th - Sunday, May 9th, Valencia, California, USA.

Students in the Character Animation program at CalArts will screen theirfilms at the Bijou at CalArts, 24700 McBean PKWY, Valencia, California.Open shows: May 7th at 8 pm; May 8th at 7 pm; and May 9th at 1:30 pm and 7pm. Producers Show: Thursday, May 13th at 7 pm. For more information call(805) 253-7818.

Animation Headline News

CalArts Experimental Animation student screening set

*Friday, May 14th, 8 pm. North Hollywood, California, USA.

Students in the Experimental Animation program at CalArts will show theirfilms at the Academy Plaza Theater, 5230 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood,California. For more information call (805) 253-7818.

Read about the teaching philosophy of Jules Engel, CalArts' FoundingDirector of the Experimental Animation Program, in this month's issue ofAnimation World Magazine in "Jules Engel: the Mentor".

Starring Headline News

The World of Sid & Marty Krofft comes to video

A boxed set of TV shows made by Sid and Marty Krofft in the 1970's collectsepisodes from thirteen Krofft programs, including the short programs thatwere part of "The Krofft Super Show," and will be released by Rhino HomeVideo on May 18 in the USA. These shows are not animated, but their cheesy"special effects" have a camp appeal for many fans of animation, especiallyfor the children of the Seventies.

Tape 1 (120 mins.) includes:

H.R. PUFNSTUF - "Book, Flute, & Candle" Episode 12. Jimmy finds Freddie The

Headline News

Macromedia announces revenues increase

Macromedia (NASDAQ:MACR) has announced a 47% increase in revenues for thefourth quarter ended March 31, 1999. Revenues for the fourth quarter were$44,097,000 as compared with $30,012,000 in the same period a year ago.Gross profit increased 44% to $39,867,000 as compared with $27,653,000 inthe fourth quarter a year ago. Net income rose to $7,343,000, or $0.16 pershare, during the fourth fiscal 1999 quarter, compared to net income of$1,991,000, or $0.05 per share, a year ago.

Million Headline News

A BUG'S LIFE becomes fourth highest grossing animated film of all time

A BUG'S LIFE, a Walt Disney Pictures presentation of a Pixar AnimationStudios film, has climbed to $358 million in worldwide box office receiptsto become one of the top-grossing animated films of all time. With itsdomestic gross of $163 million, the film has already become the fourthbiggest animated feature released in the United States (behind THE LIONKING, ALADDIN and TOY STORY). Internationally, A BUG'S LIFE has agross-to-date of $195 million and has set records in the United Kingdom,

World Headline News

Pixar announces new film

A May start date has been set for the production of MONSTERS, INC.(tentative title), a new computer-animated feature to be produced by PixarAnimation Studios under their arrangement with Walt Disney Studios. Thefilm is targeted for release in 2001. MONSTERS, INC. is a comedy set in aparallel world of monsters who live on the screams and fear of children.But because end-of-the-millenium kids are jaded and not easily scared, themonsters' world is in danger of becoming extinct. When one of the monsters,

Series Headline News


WATERSHIP DOWN, a $10 million TV series of 26 half-hour episodes based onthe novel by Richard Adams and the feature film directed by Martin Rosen,both of which are also called WATERSHIP DOWN, is being produced by Britishindependent Alltime Entertainment and Toronto-based DECODE Entertainment.Beth Stevenson, of DECODE, and Simon Vaughan, of Alltime, are producing;Neil Court, of DECODE, is executive producing with Steven DeNure and MartinRosen. The series will debut this Fall in the UK on ITV and Canada on YTV,

Animation Headline News

Women in Animation Dinner Meeting

Spice up your resume with recruiter and career coach Pamela Thompson atthe Women in Animation Dinner Meeting on Tuesday, May 4 at 7 pm. The eventtakes place at Acapulco Restaurant, 3113 W. Olive, Burbank, California. $25member, $35 non-members. RSVP by May 1 at (310) 535-3838. Please bring aresume and pen.

Series Headline News

Careers in Animation lecture series

Andreas Wessel-Therborn, animator, will speak on The Animator on Animating as part of The Careers in Animation Third Annual Lecture Series. Mr. Wessel-Therborn has worked on THE THIEF AND THE COBBLER, SPACE JAM, BALTO, TARZAN, and FANTASIA 2000. The event takes place Tuesday, May 4, at 7 pm in the Glendale Community College Auditorium, 1500 North Verdugo Road, Glendale, California, USA. Admission is $5 in advance, or $7 at the door. Tickets are available from GCC Bookstore Business Office (818) 240-1000, ext. 5695; or ASIFA-Hollywood (818) 842-8330.

Headline News

Vinton animates 3 Musketeers

Will Vinton Studios has produced two 3 Musketeers candy bar spots forM&M/Mars Inc. The spots, "Trailer" and "Corruption," each with :15 and:30 versions, feature 3D stop-motion animation of the Three Musketeercharacters scaling castle walls and fighting off evil guards. The spotswere directed by Matthew Brunner, produced by Sara Mullock, and animatedby Mike Johnson, Tony Merrithew, and Jean Poulot for agency UniworldGroup Inc.

Headline News

Wendy Tilby at Cannes

Wendy Tilby and Amanda Forbis' new film, WHEN THE DAY BREAKS, willcompete with ten live-action films, and one animated film, BILLY'SBALLOON by Don Hertzfeldt (LILY + JIM), for the top prize in the ShortFilm competition at this year's 52nd Festival de Cannes in Cannes,France. The Festival takes place Wednesday, May 12th through Sunday, May23rd. Wendy Tilby is perhaps best known for STRINGS. For moreinformation visit the festival's official homepage

Cartoon Headline News

Cartoon Network greenlights Longhair and Doubledome

Cartoon Network has greenlit Gavrilo Gnatovoch's LONGHAIR AND DOUBLEDOMEfor production as a seven minute series pilot. The short featuresLonghair, a fastidiously sophisticated and self-serving Cro-Magnon, andhis charmingly earnest yet irksome friend, Doubledome, as they endeavorto evolve alongside their oafish neighbors, the Neanderthals. An airdate has not been announced. Gavrilo Gnatovich runs his own studio KNOCKKNOCK CARTOONS in Cleveland, Ohio, which is a commercial animation house

Animated Headline News

Kushner-Locke plans Latin American Animation Channel

The Kushner-Locke Co. has announced that they have entered an agreementwith Toei Animation to license Toei's animated product. Toei has one ofthe largest animation libraries in the world. K-L plans to use the newlyacquired product to launch its own Spanish language animation channel inLatin America. The deal gives K-L 1400 half-hour episodes, in the firstthree years, of Toei animated product including the popular seriesSAILOR MOON and DRAGON BALL Z. Toei is one of the leading animation

Headline News

Milton the Monster released on video

Siren Entertainment, an Australian company, has released eight volumesof THE MILTON THE MONSTER SHOW, available in both VHS PAL and NTSCformats. In the fall of 1964, THE MUNSTERS and THE ADDAMS FAMILY,sitcoms about families of monsters, appeared on US TV. Attempting tocash in on their subsequent success, Hal Seeger Productions produced THEMILTON THE MONSTER SHOW for ABC's 1965-1966 season. Milton is a giantFrankenstein monster-type created by Professor Weirdo and Count Kook.His creators meant Milton to be scary, but he turns out to be a
