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AWN New Affiliates: Animation Toolworks & The Academy Of Art College

AWN Welcomes its new affiliates: Oregon-based Animation Toolworks, creator of the Video LunchBox, and the Academy of Art College in San Francisco...

AWN Welcomes its new affiliates: Oregon-based Animation Toolworks, creator of the Video LunchBox, and the Academy of Art College in San Francisco.

* Oregon-based ANIMATION TOOLWORKS created the Video LunchBox, a device used to capture still images from a video camera and playback the sequence of images at the same rate as film images or television video plays. Thereby enabling animators to test their work in progress instantly, monitoring pacing, lighting and registration. The Video LunchBox is widely used by traditional and stop motion animators, in studios, universities, high schools, and even elementary schools. Four Video LunchBoxes from Animation Toolworks have been installed in New York University's studio for its summer Filmmaker's Workshop for High School Students in Animation. For more information about the Video LunchBox, contact Howard Mozeico at Animation Toolworks Inc., tel 503-625-6438, email: sends e-mail). Kellie-Bea Rainey reviewed the Video Lunchbox's performance in the June 1998 issue of Animation World Magazine.

* THE ACADEMY OF ART COLLEGE in San Francisco trains students for careers in the fields of TV and feature film animation. The Academy will host their annual Spring Show on May 26, 1999, featuring the best work from the academic year. The Show will open with a special preview party for professionals to look at the work and meet the graduates. The show will begin with professional hours from 3-7 pm. The public will then be invited at 6 pm. The show will stay up until June 11, 1999 at 180 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco. For more details, call Susan Pelosi, the Director of Career Services at 415-274-8675 or email sends e-mail).
