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AWN Headline News

Headline News

Spin Master Toys Gets The Hoobs

Toronto-based toy maker Spin Master Toys has been awarded the master toy license by Venture Licensing of Canada and The Jim Henson Company to produce toys for the preschool children's television show JIM HENSON'S THE HOOBS. The agreement provides Spin Master the licensing rights to produce toys based on the five main characters: Iver, Tula, Groove, Roma and Hubba Bubba. JIM HENSON'S THE HOOBS is an innovative program mixing puppetry, animation and live-action. The program launched on the U.K.'s Channel 4 in January 2001 and currently airs in Canada on TVOntario.

Animation Headline News

New Additions to AWN's Calendar of Events

By Dan Sarto | Tuesday, November 30, 1999 at 12:00am

This week's updates to the Calendar of Events include: The Soldier's Tale: Sunday, February 09, 2003, London, UK . . . Filthy Fest: New York's Dirtiest Animation: Friday, February 14, 2003, New York, New York USA . . . Reg Hartt Presents A Tribute to Chuck Jones: Saturday, February 22 - Saturday, March 29, 2003, Toronto, Ontario Canada . . . Information Session: Max the Mutt Animation School: Wednesday, February 26, 2003, Toronto, Ontario Canada . . . Neal Adams at ArtExpo in NY: Saturday, March 01, 2003, New York, New York USA . . .

Festival Headline News

Moondance announces Winner

The Moondance International Film Festival has selected, thetraditionally-animated BEELINES, by Rachel Bevan Baker, from Edinburgh,Scotland, as this year's winner in the animation division. Moondance 2000takes place in Boulder, Colorado, January 14-16, 2000. Entries from femalescreenwriters and filmmakers from any country were welcomed to the competition.For more information e-mail:; or write: MoondanceInternational Film Festival, 970 Ninth Street, Boulder, CO 80302, USA.

Game Headline News

Brands Old And New For 4Kids At Licensing Expo 2008

At Licensing Expo 2008, 4Kids will capitalize on its role as a global leader and look to develop extensive licensing programs for both its all-new, unique multi-platform properties as well as for its well-received favorites. 4Kids highlights will include:

A focused licensing and merchandising program for the Chaotic Trading Card Game, the first multi-platform, collectible trading card game that is quickly become a major sensation both at retail and online;

Music Headline News

LAIFF! We want You... and your Films

The Los Angeles Independent Film Festival has put out a call forsubmissions for its April 13-18, 2000 event. The deadline for submissions is January 7th, 2000.The six year-old festival showcases the best in independent music videos fromNorth America. Music videos that were completed after January 1, 1998 can besubmitted on 1/2" VHS. If selected for exhibition, you must have a 16mm or35mm print. For further information or submission application, please call (323)951-7090 or check out the LAIFF website at

Digital Headline News

Lovebytes Beacons

Lovebytes Digital Arts Festival 2000 invites entries of film, video,multimedia and net art to feature in a substantial exhibition of digital work forexhibition in April, 2000. In its fifth year, the festival features amixture of digital art and media including exhibitions, seminars, screenings, speciallycommissioned artworks, alongside workshops and live performances from some ofthe world's most innovative digital sound and multimedia artists. All eventswill be staged in Sheffield's Media and Exhibition Centre. If you produce

Disney Headline News

Disney Lation America hires 11 New Execs

WALT DISNEY INTERNATIONAL-LATIN AMERICA gets 11 new executives to helpDiego Lerner, president and managing director of Walt DisneyInternational-Latin America, increase the business opportunities for Disneyin Latin America. The new structure for Disney Latin America will consistsof four territory offices. Walt Disney International-Argentina, based inBuenos Aires, will handle Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay and be headed byLerner. Walt Disney International-Andean Region, based in Santiago de

Animation Headline News

A Closer Look: Big Time Animation in Theme Parks

In the last few years, animation has played a thrilling role in bringingmany theme park attraction 'visions' to life. Take for example the popularTerminator 2 3D ride at Universal Studios, or the new Spiderman attractioncompleted by Kleiser-Walczak Construction Company. One player in the gameof theme park animation is Iwerks Entertainment, a huge ridefilm companywhose clients include Universal Studios, Disney, and the IMAX Corporation.Exactly 2 years ago they announced they would team up with visual effects

Visual Headline News

VMM bounces back - with plenty of Stretch and Squash!

Like Woody and Buzz, Visual Magic Magazine is back. After a period ofinactivity, your favorite visual effects & 3D animation magazine is back onthe web sporting a brand new look, a new way of publishing, and a renewedcommitment to providing superior articles and news to visual effects andanimation professionals and enthusiasts. The only thing we don't have isTom Hanks and Tim Allen. But that can be arranged (maybe). "Toy Story 2" ishitting our screens very soon, and of course, you can expect full coverage

Festival Headline News

Cartoombria '99 Program Announced!

The 5th Cartoombria International Animation Festival will happen inPerugia, Italy, December 2-5, 1999. Although there will be no competitivesection, the artistic committee of the festival has put together a numberof retrospectives, exhibits, workshops, screenings, premieres and artisttributes. The festival will provide an international forum for a wide rangeof animation including feature films, TV serials, animated drawings, logosand advertising spots, and experimental videos made by international

October Headline News

STUDIO GHIBLI retrospectives are being held throughout the US

To celebrate the US premiere of Studio Ghibli's PRINCESS MONONOKE, directedby Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli retrospectives are being held throughoutthe United States. Most of the retrospectives will be showing all of StudioGhibli's films: NAUSICAÄ OF THE VALLEY OF THE WIND (1984), LAPUTA, CASTLEIN THE SKY (1986), GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES (1988), MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO(1988), KIKI'S DELIVERY SERVICE (1989), ONLY YESTERDAY (1991), PORCO ROSSO(1992), POM POKO (1994), WHISPER OF THE HEART (1995), and PRINCESS MONONOKE

Animation Headline News

November Acrobat Issue of Animation World Magazine now On-line!

November is another packed, globe trotting issue as Animation World takes alook at the exciting arena of animated feature films. Heikki Jokinenreveals the health of the European feature market and its high hopes forthe future. Ilene Gannaway takes us inside the production of SonyImageworks' next wower, "Stuart Little." From story to technicalinnovations, Ilene gives us the inside scoop on how Imageworks is turning aCGI mouse, into one of the family. Andrew Osmond debates whether or not

Animation Headline News

French animation exports to screen in LA!

TVFI, a trade association supporting the international sale of French TVprograms, presents a French Animation Evening in Los Angeles, with ascreening of "La France s'Anime" ("France Gets Animated"), followed by aFrench party. "La France s'Anime: 19 Projects for the Year 2000 " is acompilation of French TV series pilots including: "Les Aventures d'Ooki"(Les Films de la Perrine), "Chris Colorado" (AB Productions), "Les Mysteresde Babel" (Praxinos), "Mars Brothers" (France Animation), "Allo la Terre
