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AWN Headline News

Motion Headline News

Motion Analysis customers achieve "1,000 Captures a Week" for 3D animation

By Dan Sarto | Thursday, August 12, 1999 at 12:00am

Animators in the TV, Film, and Video Game industries are achieving realistic 3D character animation economically and quickly using the suite of motion capture tools available from Motion Analysis Corporation of Santa Rosa, California. At SIGGRAPH 99, the company demonstrated the latest versions of its products.

"We have customers using our ExpertVision system to capture 1,000 moves aweek to produce a 22-minute TV show in only 10 days using just a dozenanimators. The economy and efficiency of producing digital entertainment

Effects Headline News

PDI shares latest breakthroughs at SIGGRAPH 99

By Dan Sarto | Thursday, August 12, 1999 at 12:00am

Computer graphics industry leader PDI (Pacific Data Images) will participate in a variety of presentations at SIGGRAPH 99. They include the following:

- PDI Co-founder and Chairman Carl Rosendahl is featured in the newACM SIGGRAPH produced feature-length documentary, THE STORY OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS. The documentary "chronicles the history of the industry, its impact on society, and the excitement of future possibilities."

- Electronic Theatre: For the fourth consecutive year, PDI is proud to

Headline News

Nothing Real demonstrates its Shake line of compositing software

By Dan Sarto | Thursday, August 12, 1999 at 12:00am

Nothing Real, a leading Los Angeles-based software provider ofhigh performance tools designed for the digital image creation market,is showcasing its flagship compositing software product Shake at this year's SIGGRAPH.

Shake is a next-generation compositing system that offers a broad rangeof 2D features for film, broadcast, interactive games and multimediaeffects applications. Shake offers dramatic speed and efficiencyadvances over traditional compositing packages, without the need forspecialized hardware.

Headline News

Gnomon establishes advisory board

By Dan Sarto | Thursday, August 12, 1999 at 12:00am

Gnomon School of Visual Effects has announced the members of their newly established Advisory Board. The panel of respected and experienced industry professionals have agreed to commit their time and expertise to guiding the future development of Gnomon's curriculum and program direction.

The Board will include:

Software Headline News

Pixar releases Photorealistic Renderman 3.9 and Renderman Artist Tools 4.0

Point Richmond, California-based Pixar Animation Studios has announced thatit is releasing version 3.9 of PhotoRealistic RenderMan, its AcademyAward-winning visual effects software, and version 4.0 of the completeRenderMan Artist Tools suite. The new software version, scheduled forshipment in September, makes RenderMan easier and more powerful forcreative artists, and for the first time provides support for rendering onrender farms running the Windows NT operating system. Some other advanced

Animation Headline News

Spend an evening with the professionals!

An Evening with the Professionals: TV Animation. Takes place at Walt DisneyTV Animation Studio, Frank Wells Building. The speakers will include CindyMarcus who (with her husband Flip Kobler) wrote POCAHONTAS II: JOURNEY TO ANEW WORLD and THE LION KING II: SIMBA'S PRIDE. Cost per monthly event is$10 for Women In Animation members, $20 for non-members. RSVP required toKellie-Bea Cooper at e-mail:; or Tel:818-623-0020. The events takes place Thursday, August 19, 7-9 pm inBurbank, California.

Software Headline News

Crater Software launching "satellite" versions of CTP 2D animation software

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

Crater Software, a Spanish-Canadian software development collaboration, announced plans to launch a series of "satellite" versions of CTP, the company's 2D animation software, at this years' Siggraph. The launch of four CTP Satellites - Paint, Scan, Render and the already-released Pencil-test - will coincide with the release of CTP Version 1.3, also being showcased at the show.

Animation Headline News

Ottawa School of Art launches Animation Certificate program

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

The Ottawa School of Art (OSA) has launched an innovative, structured program teaching basic animation skills. The Animation Certificate Program has grown from courses run over several years.

The Ottawa School of Art was founded in 1879 and incorporated in 1976 as a non-profit charitable organization. School focus is high caliber visual art training.

Effects Headline News

Puffin Designs ships Commotion for Windows NT and Macintosh

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

Commotion, the award-winning visual effects application, is now available for Windows NT. Commotion version 2.1 marks Puffin Designs' first release for Macintosh and Windows NT. This highly anticipated release is a direct result of requests from thousands of NT-based effects artists who wanted to use Commotion on their platform of choice. Both versions are functionally and visually identical, enabling users to work in either environment without having to find work-arounds for interface or workflow differences.

Films Headline News

RIT student films to show at SIGGRAPH

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

Several films produced by RIT students will be screened at this year's SIGGRAPH conference including 'Head Quarters' by Jason Donati, 'Evolution in the First Person' by Elouise Oyzon and 'division' by George Nadeau. RIT will have an alumni, students, faculty and friends reception on Tuesday evening. Marla Schweppe, Duane Palyka and Johnny Robinson, all of the School of Film and Animation will attend the conference. In collaboration with the RIT School of Printing, students in the RIT School of Film and Animation have produced flipbooks again.

Motion Headline News

Vicon reveals real-time optical motion capture

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

Vicon has announced the latest in motion capture technology - Vicon 8Rt. The final reduction in the production pipeline has been achieved with the Vicon 8 system, producing accurate optical motion capture in real-time. This marks a significant breakthrough in motion capture technology as Vicon 8Rt is not a previewer, but actually produces full body motion capture data without the wait.

Animation Headline News

Pratt Institute begins development of virtual world research lab

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

Pratt Institute's Department of Computer Graphics & Interactive Media (CGIM) has begun the development of a Research Lab to explore the development of virtual worlds, stereoscopic 3D imaging, and other outside-the-box possibilities.

CGIM is also pleased to announce that Professor Claudia Herbst joined our fulltime faculty. Prof. Herbst's previous position was at the Walt Disney Company, where she trained the company's computer graphics artists.

Headline News

Silicon Graphics to reorganize and cut jobs

San Jose, California-based Silicon Graphics Inc. has announced that it willcut up to 3,000 jobs and spin off its Cray supercomputer division.According to SGI, the cuts and reorganization will help it focus on sellingsoftware and computers related to the Internet. SGI bought Cray ResearchInc. in 1996 for $740 million. Since its acquisition by SGI, Cray'ssupercomputers have competed with SGI's own powerful systems in a smallmarket. Earlier this year SGI reorganized and divided Cray off into a

Animation Headline News

Pratt Institute's extensive slate of SIGGRAPH 99 participation

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

Key members of Pratt Institute's Department of Computer Graphics & Interactive Media (CGIM) faculty and student body will be participating at SIGGRAPH 99 as follows:

Prof. Michael O'Rourke has been invited to conduct a full-day 3d computer animation workshop at SIGGRAPH 99.

Two of Prof. Don Ritter's interactive installations have been accepted into the Millennium Motel program at SIGGRAPH 99. The installations are "Intersection" and "TV Guides," described at:

Film Headline News

Don't miss this rare screening of experimental animation!

Dr. William Moritz, noted authority on experimental animation and visualmusic, will introduce a selection of 16mm and 35mm films from TheiotaCenter's collection of experimental and abstract films. The programincludes: a hand-painted film record from 1903 of a dance by visual musicartist, Loïe Fuller, the darling of Paris' Folies Bergère, a film record ofCharles Dockum performing live on the visual music instrument he inventedin 1939, the Dockum Mobilcolor Projector, HIGH VOLTAGE by James Whitney and

Animation Headline News

Post Graduate animation available at the University of the West of England

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

The six month Bristol Animation Course is now available at the University of the West of England, Bristol. It is supported by several animation studios in the region, including Aardman Animations. The course aims to train animators in the craft skills of character and performance animation, enabling them to work in a professional animation studio. The course delivers a Post Graduate Certificate in Extension Studies. According to UWE, 85% of past students have been employed in the industry. There are five places for 2D and five for model animation.

Film Headline News

Don't miss the US premiere of PERFECT BLUE

The US premiere of PERFECT BLUE, a 1997 Japanese film directed by SatoshiKon takes place at the Cinema Village theater. PERFECT BLUE is the story ofa soap opera actress who finds it difficult to distinguish between her TVpersona and real life. The film won the public prize for best Asian film atMontreal's Fant-Asia festival. The trailer can be viewed online The premiere takes place Friday, August 20 in New YorkCity.

Effects Headline News

CDIS to launch Visual Effects Digital Animation certificate program

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

One of the fastest growing areas of the booming entertainment technology industry is special effects, and with standards being raised daily by innovative uses in TV, film, and computer games the need for qualified effects artists increases. The Center for Digital Imaging and Sound (CDIS), a private technical arts college celebrating 20 years in operation in British Columbia, has jumped on the opportunity.

Festival Headline News

Rotterdam calls for entries

The Rotterdam International Film Festival includes a shorts and animatedfilm section. The categories are Fiction, Documentary, and Experimental.The entry deadline is October 1, 1999. The festival takes place inRotterdam, The Netherlands from January 26 to February 6, 2000. For moreinfo contact Rotterdam International Film Festival, P.O. Box 21696, 3001 ARRotterdam, The Netherlands; Tel: + 31 10-8909090; Fax: + 31 10-8909091;E-mail:; or visit

Design Headline News

2D and 3D animation courses available at Austin Community College

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

The Visual Communication Design department of Austin Community College offers a work intensive program in the areas of Graphic Design and Multimedia production. The two year Associate of Applied Science degree includes classes in Computer Production Art, Typographic Design, Illustrative Techniques, Graphic Design and Basic Drawing. The Applied Multimedia Technology certificate offers extensive training in 2D and 3D Computer Animation, Motion Graphics, World Wide Web Design, Multimedia Authoring, Interface Design and Photoshop Techniques.

Animation Headline News

Cartoon Network supports college club

Gary Albright, vice president of creative services and off air promotionsfor Atlanta, Georgia-based Cartoon Network, has awarded The ClassicalAnimation Society of the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) a $500grant on behalf of Cartoon Network. The society will use the money to helpfund its activitites such as last February's MULAN Event which included ascreening of Disney's MULAN, clips of various stages of animated scenes,and a workshop in layout design by Disney artist Bill Hodman. The Classical

Motion Headline News

Vicon reveals real-time optical motion capture at SIGGRAPH 99

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

Vicon has announced the latest in motion capture technology - Vicon 8Rt. The final reduction in the production pipeline has been achieved with the Vicon 8 system, producing accurate optical motion capture in real-time. This marks a significant breakthrough in motion capture technology as Vicon 8Rt is not a previewer, but actually produces full body motion capture data without the wait.

Animation Headline News

Computer Arts Institute unveils revised 3D animation curriculum

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

The Computer Arts Institute in San Francisco is unveiling it's revised 3d animation curiculum for this fall. Courses offered will include 3D Studio Max, Character Studio, Photoshop for Animators, Animation Design & Storyboarding, VRML And Real Time Animation, 3-D Special Effects, Character Animation Workshop, 3d Texture Workshop, and PhotoShop for Artists & Illustrators.

Complete contact information for CAI can be found in AWN's Animation School Database.

Effects Headline News

Puffin Designs ships Commotion for Windows NT and Macintosh

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

Commotion, the award-winning visual effects application, is now available for Windows NT. Commotion version 2.1 marks Puffin Designs' first release for Macintosh and Windows NT. This highly anticipated release is a direct result of requests from thousands of NT-based effects artists who wanted to use Commotion on their platform of choice. Both versions are functionally and visually identical, enabling users to work in either environment without having to find work-arounds for interface or workflow differences.

Animation Headline News

Toonz Animation India Purchases 11 Animo Licenses

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

Toonz Animation India Pvt. Ltd., a new animation production studio, has purchased 11 licenses of Cambridge Animation Systems' Animo 2D software. All the systems run under Windows NT.

"We selected Animo because it satisfies all of our digital animation needs, whether for commercials, television series or feature films," says Bill Dennis, president and CEO of Toonz Animation.
