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YELLOW SUBMARINE returns to theaters across the US

A newly restored 35mm print of YELLOW SUBMARINE featuring The Beatles willbe shown at theaters across the USA. The film will be showing at thefollowing theaters: The Egyptian in Seattle, September 1-16; BrattleTheater in Boston, September 1-9; Landmark's Nuart Theater in Los Angeles,September 3-9; The Castro Theatre in San Francisco, September 3-15; TheUptown in Minneapolis, September 3-9; The Union in New York, September10-17; The Music Box in Chicago, September 10-16; The Hillcrest in SanDiego, September 10-16; and The Esquire in Denver, September 10-17. Therestored film includes "Hey, Bulldog," a sequence that was removed forreasons of length for the American theatrical and previous video releases.