San Francisco-based Wild Brain, Inc. has joined with Munich-based EM.TV &Merchandising to co-produce POOCHINI'S YARD, a 26-episode series based onWild Brain's short, A DOG CARTOON. Wild Brain will manage all creativeaspects of the series which begins production this summer. Distributionrights are planned to be split between domestic for Wild Brain, andinternational for EM.TV. Wild Brain's credits include FERNGULLY 2: THEMAGICAL RESCUE, and current productions THE ADVENTURES OF ROCKY &BULLWINKLE and DUDLEY DO-RIGHT. EM.TV owns German TV and merchandisingrights to characters and series such as SESAME STREET, THE FLINTSTONES, andPIGS NEXT DOOR.
The March 1998 issue of Animation World Magazine features "Ferngully 2: TheMagical Rescue - Getting the Money on the Screen," in which co-directorsDave Marshall and Phil Robinson of Wild Brain discuss the pre-productionprocess and share storyboard samples and tips.