The program lineup for VIEW 2012 includes DESIGNING FOR A NEW WORLD, a creative bootcamp led by Tom Wujec to be held Thursday, October 18, and Friday, October 19, 2012.
Torino, Italy --
VIEW Conference is the premier international event in Italy on Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Digital Cinema, 3D Animation, Gaming and VFX. VIEW 2012, from October 16-19, will continue to focus on exploring the increasingly fluid boundary between real and digital worlds. Through lectures, meetings, tributes, exhibits, screenings and demo presentations VIEW will reveal the new digital frontier sweeping from cinema to architecture, from automotive design to advertisement, from medicine to videogames.
New this year is DESIGNING FOR A NEW WORLD, a Creative Bootcamp led by Tom Wujec (Autodesk Fellow, author, Singularity University professor) with the participation of Glenn Entis, Eric Darnell, Rex Grignon, Josh Holmes, Chris Perry, Vander Caballero, Rob Bredow, Marco Mazzaglia, Erminio Pinque, Habib Zargarpour, Dan Attias, Gary Rydstrom, Mark Walsh and Paul Franklin.
The VIEW Conference’s Creative Bootcamp is a lively, interactive workshop that propels participants into new worlds of the future. In this multi-day event, the workshop will explore ways technology, society, economies and industries may evolve, painting a picture of everyday life, identifying the products and services people want and need. It will also guide participants to think about what these products and how they would be created and distributed.
This workshop, which brings together leaders working in the many industries to flex their creative powers, takes place on Thursday, October 18, and Friday, October 19, 2012. Together they will design state-of-the–art cars, personal robots, miniscule medical equipment, smart running shoes, self-healing buildings, and, of course, future of games and movies.
Part I: 18 October: Future Scenarios – 16:00 – 19:00 (3 hours)
The first part of the Creative BootCamp will begin with dynamic scenario planning. Using trend data from several sources, including Institute for the Future, Singularity University and ARUP, the participants will learn about exponentially growing technologies and in small groups, develop a series of future scenarios, speculating on the daily experience of specific groups of people living in 2025. They will clarify what these people crave in the future and relate these desires to future products.
Part II: 19 October: Prototyping the Future – 9:00-13:00 (4 hours)
The second part of the Creative BootCamp will continue with product development. Based on the insight from Day One, the participants will develop sketches, mock ups, and prototypes of future products. They will build out examples of what future might look like for several products:
- Movies: Whatkinds of movies will we watch? Where, when and how will we watch them? Howwill they be made differently?
- Videogames:What games will be the blockbusters? How will they be played on thenext-generation of devices? Will they still be considered games when weplay them with Google Glasses?
- Running Shoes:How will people design and make shoes of the future, when 3D printing willbe freely available?
- Medicaldevices: How will micro-implants improve well-being with accurate feedbackthat is connected continually to the cloud? What happens when this serviceis hacked by the North Koreans?
- PersonalRobots: What services will robots perform when 35% of some populations areolder than 60.
- And who knowswhat the Creative Bootcamp will come up with …
The workshop will be a fast-paced, electrifying safari into the world of the unknown. It will be a chance for the participants to truly apply their creative genius to fresh thinking and new collaborations, renewing their own creative energies.
Source: VIEW Conference