VES Offers Online Voting Tips and Reminders

For the first time, the Visual Effects Society (VES) will be offering online voting in preparation of its third annual VES Awards ceremony, to be held in Los Angeles at the Palladium on Feb. 16, 2005.

Meanwhile, the VES has offered several tips and reminders:

While the final details are still being worked out, there are several things that you'll need to do to participate in the online viewing and voting to make the experience smooth and successful. Please make sure that the VES office has your current email address as that information is essential to the process.

In January, the VES office will send an email that will provide you with a link to the secure Website where you will be instructed to log in. It is vital that you keep your email address up to date with the VES office between now and Jan. 21 -- before the voting starts -- if you want to participate in this year's program.

You will be provided with links to the latest media players for the viewing format(s). Downloading the latest player will ensure that you have the best experience that the system allows.

The VES will also alert you to what browser will allow for seamless voting. A link to the latest version will also be provided in advance.

The VES encourages members to begin the viewing and voting process as early in the cycle as possible. There will be a lot of material to view.

For the feature film nominees, we recommend you experience the films in a theater. The online viewing should be considered only as a "refresher."

The whole online system is designed to the VES member and the nominees that the submitted material is secure and that the voting is both private and secure. In the latter case, once voting begins, as in past years, the results will only be known by the independent CPA firm retained to tabulate the results.

For those of you who may want to test your connection speed, go to, look for Speed Test, and use the link closest to your location.

*New Membership: The filing deadline for the current cycle of NEW membership applications is approaching. The cut-off for the current cycle is Oct. 1, 2004. Membership applications received by Oct. 1 will be processed and voted upon by the Board of Directors at the Nov. 10 Board meeting, thus enabling new members to participate in the next VES Awards season in early 2005. Membership applications received after Oct. 1 will be compiled for the next cycle in the spring of 2005, in time for next summer's VES festival.

Prospective members need to download an application from the VES Website, print out the form and get it in the mail before Oct. 1.

* Board Elections: If you're interested in running for a seat on the VES Board of Directors (or would like to nominate someone to run), the deadline is Oct. 1.

The Visual Effects Society, founded in 1997, is comprised of distinguished visual effects artists and technologists who are professionally committed to the specialized industry of visual effects. The society provides its members with a platform for communication, education and recognition of the current and future state of the visual effects industry. Society headquarters are located in Los Angeles, with approximately 1,000 global members. For more information about VES, visit or call (310) 822-9181.

Bill Desowitz's picture

Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.
