th1ng has designed the identity, opening titles and in-programme graphics for The Big Personality test, the new programme in BBC One's landmark series Child of Our Time.
Press Release from th1ng
th1ng has designed the identity, opening titles and in-programme graphics for The Big Personality test, the new programme in BBC One's landmark series Child of Our Time.
th1ng's design duo , Alon Ziv and Shay Hamias, created the logo and graphics using a mixture of live action, 3DCGI and After Effects. Their work is also being incorporated into the set design and web presence of the show.
Child of Our Time is now halfway through its 20 year mission to track the lives of 25 children from their births back in 2000 to their adult lives. This year the show will concentrate on "The Big Personality Test", which aims to extend the appeal to a new wider audience for the next ten years.
The Big Personality Test invites the public to go online and participate in what Child Of Our Time hopes will be the largest experiment of its kind and will reveal the personality of the nation.
The data collected will help scientists understand how influential personality is in shaping our lives, compared to other factors, like education, where we live and our own personal experiences. The five traits examined in the Big Personality Test are: extroversion, neuroticism, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness.
Alon and Shay's title sequence puts a child at the heart of the concept, surrounded by their experiences and influences in life. The sequence follows the child's life from birth through to late childhood using CGI to animate the multitude of events and incidents that influence the make-up of an individual's personality.
The combination of creative design and cutting edge visual technique showcases the unique talents of Alon and Shay at th1ng.
All live action was shot by th1ng and CGI and compositing completed at th1ng's in house post facility in Wardour St.