Publisher Amid Amidi is now offering the latest issue of Animation
Blast at the AWN Newsstand...
Publisher Amid Amidi is now offering the latest issue of Animation
Blast at the AWN Newsstand.
Amidi says, "Issue 5 is so good, it even
surprised myself! It features a beautiful Elmo The Aardvark cover by
animation artist Craig Kellman, and tons of great content inside."
Highlights of the issue include a rare interview with animation
legend Ray Patterson ("Dumbo," "Tom & Jerry," the first animated
"Spider-Man" series), a look at the pre-"Dennis The Menace" magazine
cartoons of Hank Ketcham, The '90s in a Nutshell: A Completely Biased
Look at the Decade, gut-busting original comics by today's hottest
animators, layout tips from animation maestro Maurice Noble, featured
artist David Sheldon ("Ren & Stimpy") and much, much more. In
addition, a limited number of issues are available signed by cover
artist Craig Kellman, Elmo The Aardvark creator Will Ryan, and series
director Darrell Van Citters. Get 'em now before they're on eBay,
because once these babies sell out, there will never be any more!
Regular issues are available for the low price of $3.50 per issue
($4.50 international), and signed issues are a steal at $12.00
($13.00 international).