Speed Racer toying around

Speed Racer Enterprises, Inc., owners of the Speed Racer property, have signed a license agreement with toymaker Playing Mantis, to produce a line of action figures and vehicles based on the popular 1960s animated series. Playing Mantis, a Speed Racer licensee since 1993, has already produced a line of die-cast Speed Racer products. The company is one of 30 licensees that will be manufacturing and distributing Speed Racer products in 1999. Playing Mantis is a progressive company that understands the current nostalgic market power, and creative drive of Speed Racer, said Jim Rocknowski, executive vice president of Speed Racer Enterprises.

Limited-edition Speed Racer animation art is available exclusively on-line in AWNs Animation World Store. Buy it today!http://www.awn.com/awnstore
