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Read about Resume Tips in the latest "Career Coach" column

AWN recently launched the "Career Coach," a new monthly column by PamelaThompson, a noted authority on jobs and recruiting within the animationand visual effects industries.

AWN recently launched the "Career Coach," a new monthly column by PamelaThompson, a noted authority on jobs and recruiting within the animationand visual effects industries. Pamela's new column is writtenexclusively for AWN's Student Corner, and offers practical advice on keyissues related to jobs, recruitment, education and training, as well asother areas of importance to anyone who makes their living in theanimation industry. The latest "Career Coach" articles focus on ResumeTips: what your resume should be, and what you should avoid.

Other additions include: Animation Master Glenn Vilppu with his nextexclusive article, "Seeing Anatomical Masses," and, we've also addedindexed links to over 75 articles from Animation World Magazine.

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