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Nendo & LiveArt release SE Workshop

Nichimen Graphics, Inc. (Nichimen), a manufacturer of technology for the 3Dcontent creation market, and Viewpoint(R) Digital, Inc. (Viewpoint),creator and publisher of a 3D digital content library, have releasedNendo(TM) & LiveArt(TM) SE Workshop, a combined graphics software packagethat provides 3D modeling and rendering tools for $99 (suggested retailprice).

The Workshop consists of Nendo v. 1.1, Nichimen's award-winning 3D modelingand 3D paint software, and Viewpoint's LiveArt SE software, with theinnovative LiveStyles(TM) interactive artistic rendering engine and a 3Dmodel library in DirectX format. The 3D object libraries are optimized forreal-time interactive modeling and rendering, and can be imported intoNendo and LiveArt SE for easy customization. Two configurations of theproduct are available: a web-based version with 50 models for immediatedownload and a CD-ROM version with 250 additional models.

"Joining Nendo and LiveArt SE means that users will be able to easilyvisualize their ideas like a professional artist would, without using acomplex and costly software package," said Brendan Kavanagh, Nichimen'ssenior marketing manager.

Nendo, which means "clay" in Japanese, is a hit among professional 3Dartists and beginners alike for its ease-of-use and versatility. Itincludes powerful operations for 3D modeling and painting, withcontext-sensitive pull down menus and an interface that is simple andintuitive to use. With Nendo, 3D objects can quickly be created for use inmodel libraries, games, print material, web sites, visual simulation andarchitectural applications. Nendo is available for immediate purchase anddownload from the Nichimen Graphics web site at

LiveArt SE is a special edition of Viewpoint's LiveArt interactiveillustration software. Created specifically for use with Nendo, LiveArt SEis powered by the LiveStyles rendering engine, which allows users tointeractively render models in more than 30 artistic styles such as'granita,' 'toon,' 'pointist,' 'silhouetta' and 'blokprint.' TheLiveStyles renderer makes it simple and fast for users to orient, stylize,light, color and customize 3D objects and to create personalized,high-quality graphics. LiveArt SE includes a library of 3D models in .Xformat in categories including anatomy, architecture, creatures,furnishings, sports, symbols, tools and transportation. Users can importany .X or .3DS format 3D object into LiveArt SE by dragging and dropping itinto an active LiveArt canvas. LiveArt imagery and examples are availableon the web at

The Nendo & LiveArt SE Workshop with 50 3D models may be purchased onlinefor $99 using a credit card, and downloaded from the Nichimen Graphics website at or the Viewpoint web site Users may opt to receive the Workshop on CD-ROMwith an extended library of 250 additional 3D models for $129. The minimumsystem requirements for using Nendo & LiveArt SE Workshop include a 166 MHzPentium-class processor and Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT,32 MB of memory and a graphics card capable of displaying 16-bit color.