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Moonscoop Partners With Lexibook

Moonscoop, the worldwide brand management and entertainment company, has signed a far-reaching deal with Lexibook, the European leader in kids consumer electronic devices, which will see Lexibook’s kids-targeted Android tablets featuring Moonscoop’s animated content exclusively.

Press Release from Moonscoop

Paris, 28 November 2011 – Moonscoop, the worldwide brand management and entertainment company, has signed a far-reaching deal with Lexibook, the European leader in kids consumer electronic devices, which will see Lexibook’s kids-targeted Android tablets featuring Moonscoop’s animated content exclusively. The Lexibook tablet range is currently rolling out across the UK, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and Italy with additional markets to follow.

The tablet app, created internally at Moonscoop and Antefilms Studio, will allow kids to rent or buy episodes of their favourite titles in six different languages (French English, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese currently) with over 700 hours of content available. Moonscoop shows featured will include hit titles such as Code Lyoko and Chloe’s Closet and cult classics including Spartacus and the Sun Beneath the Sea.

This deal, which was initiated by Moonscoop’s EVP Consumer Products and Marketing Sebastien Fillion, marks a major step into new media for Moonscoop which is currently focusing on multi-platform development for its properties. Moonscoop has signed other recent content deals with iTunes in France and the UK, (through subsidiary MDM), and iTunes and Amazon in the US. Further new media deals will be announced in the coming weeks.

Lionel Marty, President Worldwide Distribution at Moonscoop said: “This is a very exciting deal for us as we look to ramp up our multi-platform presence. Lexibook is the first of its type in the kids market and we are very pleased to be the exclusive animated content provider for this innovative new tablet. This technology, and our partnership with Lexibook, has far-reaching potential for our properties.”

Aymeric Le Cottier, Lexibook Group C.E.O said, “We are very happy to include this powerful video store in our Lexibook tablets line. The number of connections is growing exponentially since the launch of this service, which meets kids expectations when using a connected tablet. Combined with Lexibook technology, this access to a great content database compliments Lexibook offer to kids and enables Lexibook Tablets to stay ahead on this market”

About MoonscoopMoonscoop is a leading worldwide kids production, distribution, brand management and entertainment company, focused on producing original projects and building brands with international appeal and longevity. Its rights library combines many of the most successful programs and best-loved animated creations in the global television market and includes over 3,000 half-hours of programming airing in more than 160 territories worldwide. Key brands include “Tara Duncan”, “The Davincibles”, “Super Sportlets,  "Code Lyoko," "Fantastic Four," "Titeuf" (Tootuff) the Series and  Feature Film, “Chloe’s Closet.” , “Pet Alien”, “Hero:108”,  “Dive Olly Dive!” “Geronimo Stilton” and "Casper" which are licensed in markets around the world. Moonscoop’s production slate currently includes “Hero:108 Season 2”, “Geronimo Stilton Season2”, “Casper  Season 2”, and “Ava Riko Teo Season 2” .

About LexibookLexibook (EURONEXT C: 3359, is a French company which designs, manufactures, and markets consumer electronic devices in consumer electronics and toys. Lexibook is now a European leader in mass market distribution of dictionaries, translators, organizers, calculators, LCD consoles, electronic games, chess games and kids tablets and netbooks. Lexibook® markets over 500 products in 41 countries. The group employs 105 people in Europe  and its development center in Honk-Kong. Lexibook group has reported a tenfold increase in revenue in 14 years, reaching 39 million euros in 2011. Lexibook® aims at bringing its consumer electronics technologies into the toy world and become the world leader in its segments.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
