Millimages in Production on ‘Nasredine’ for Gulli

Animated series features ancient sage of the orient, who uses comedy to deflate the imperfect and selfish people he encounters.

Millimages is producing ‘The Adventures of Nasredine’ for Gulli TV.

Millimages has launched production of The Adventures of Nasredine, a new animated series for Gulli TV Channel.

Nasredine, the “sage who was insane” is a mythical figure of oriental culture. His wandering takes him across the planet and through all ages. Sitting atop a donkey, he mocks the ups and downs of our world. He uses comedy and burlesque to denounce stupidity, prejudice, vanity, cowardice, conformism and greed.

The 3D series is directed by Régis Saillard and will be comprised of 104 one-minute episodes.

“We are very happy to launch our first project with Millimages for Gulli,” said Caroline Cochaux, managing director of the TV division of Lagardere Active and president of Gulli. “It is the very first presale for Gulli Bil Arabi, which is just one year old. With this series, we anchor the channel a little more in the Eastern part of the world through this local hero from oral culture. We hope to offer our young viewers and their families the tales and spiritual stories of this mythical figure as of September 2019.”

Source: Millimages, Gulli

Thomas J. McLean's picture

Tom McLean has been writing for years about animation from a secret base in Los Angeles.