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Job openings at Cactus Animation

CG Animation Director, Technical Dirctor and Senior CG Animators positions available at Montreal-based Cactus Animation

Job opportunities at Montreal-based Cactus Animation:

CG ANIMATION DIRECTOR: Candidates must have solid experience with TV seriesand/or feature films as an animation director. Expertise in 3D productionand broad experience using MAYA / Alias|Wavefront and 3D MAX are a must.Knowledge of motion capture technology is an advantage. Ability to workeffectively and efficiently under pressure is very important. Comprehensionof French an asset. Position to fill immediately. 18 month contract.Responsibilities include supervising all the steps of the animationprocess, from storyboard to final render; keeping the CGI work in thedefined schedule and budget; making sure that each episode meets thecriteria of quality throughout the series; assuring that the scripts staywithin the set parameters; managing a large team of artists.

TECHNICAL DIRECTOR: Requirements include broad exposure to all aspects ofdigital animation production. Experience working with animation, lighting,rendering, compositing and special FX using MAYA / Alias|Wavefront and 3DMAX. Should also demonstrate proficiency in UNIX and scripting language.Comprehension of French an asset. Position to fill immediately. 18 monthcontract. Responsibilities include establishing the chain of production andthe technical bible with the animation director; establishing and handlingan asset management tool for the production; supervising the work flow ofthe technical crew.

SENIOR CG ANIMATORS: Candidates should have a broad exposure to all aspectsof digital animation production + strong artistic abilities. Experiencewith character animation, lighting, rendering, special effects, particlesand compositing required. Should have a minimum of five years of leadanimation experience. Traditional animation background an asset. Being ateam player is a must. Candidates will work under the supervision of the CGanimation director and the technical director. Ability to work effectivelyand efficiently under pressure is very important. Familiarity withAlias|Wavefront products and comprehension of French an asset. 13 monthcontract. Responsibilities include perfecting facial animation,lip-synching and expressions in a stylized and realistic way throughkeyframe and motion capture configurations; managing the work flow of theartists and optimizing the chain of production; leading a team of 3-15members; adhering to strict deadlines.For more information about these and other jobs, check out AWN's CareerConnections, the online Animation Job Fair at
