Jamaica Digital Arts Festival 2009Kingston, JamaicaSeptember 19-20, 2009Deadline: July 31, 2009
The Jamaica Digital Arts Festival was formed to create a new opportunity to unleash and showcase some of the nation's productive energy and to develop a critical mass across all social divides to push this creativity for societal benefit. This festival is intended to kick-start national interest in a cultural industry based on the creation of digital arts products.
This year, the opportunities for learning will be even bigger and better than 2007. Seminars will be delivered by experts from Jamaica and the Caribbean in cutting edge areas such as: Jamaica and the animation industry -- what prospects; A close look at the RED Camera Technology and Fine Art; The Future of Digital Sound Reproduction; Your Digital Camera and you and much more.
Categories will be as follows:
* Short video/films - up to 15 minutes. May be narrative, dramatic or animation* Long video/films - 15 minutes & over. May be narrative, dramatic or animation* Web design* Digital art - 3D art, animation, VR, games, etc.* Photography* Music
Entries must have a development related focus in one of the following areas:
* Tourism / Hospitality / Entertainment & Music / Community Development / Agriculture / Education & Training
Within the categories there will be two classes -- professionals and students/hobbyists.
Admission Free, See You There!