The films in competition for Independent Short, Applied Animation and Student Films in Belgium and The Netherlands were selected by festival organizers Erik van Drunen, Mette Peters and Gerben Schermer. The selection list is now available on the festival Web site. The selection can be viewed by film title, director, production company, country and competition category. The jury for the competition for independent animation will be composed of filmmakers Pièrre Hébert (Canada), Jerzy Kucia (Poland), Marjut Rimminen (Finland/England) and Rob Stevenhagen (The Netherlands), and producer Anatoly Prokhorov (Russia). For the Competition For Applied Animation: Michael Aldashin, filmmaker, (Russia); AWN's Ron Diamond, publisher and producer (U.S.A.); Marc Glassman, film historian and journalist (Canada); Han Hoogerbrugge, graphic artist (The Netherlands); and Piet Schreuders, graphic designer (The Netherlands). For the Student Competition: filmmakers Joan Ashworth (U.K.), Henk Beumers (The Netherlands) and Menno de Nooijer (The Netherlands). The Holland festival will be held in Utrecht, November 15-19, 2000. Besides the official competition, this year the festival will offers a variety of retrospectives and special programmes featuring filmmakers Paul Driessen (this year's festival guest of honour), Pierre Hébert and René Jodoin; La Cambre School; Folimage studio; a retrospective on Australia; an overview of recent films from the Netherlands; computer animation and new media; the golden era of cartoons; and much, much more For more information call ++ (31) 30 233-1733; fax: ++ (31) 30 233-1079; Email:; or visit