Hash Inc. will be shipping Animation:Master for Apple's MacOS X operating system on June 28, 2004. Already available for Windows, and Apple's MacOS 9, Hash's Animation:Master is a complete 3D character animation studio in one application.
It includes modeling, texturing, animation and rendering tools, and is designed for artists to tell their stories through organic character animation. Animating characters and objects is very tactile, and can be done in full real-time shading using OpenGL hardware acceleration.
Animation:Master for MacOS X is available for download from Hash's Website at www.hash/com, and requires the Hash 2003 or 2004 CD to run. Owners of previous versions of Animation:Master can upgrade for $99. The retail price is $299.
"Our 3D animation software has been available on the Macintosh since 1993, and our Mac users have created some amazing art with it" said Ken Baer, Hashs director of marketing. "But, with Mac OS X, we were faced with the choice to carbonize the existing Mac code, or start fresh and make it a true native OS X application. We chose the latter, which allowed us to take advantage of Apple's newest tools, APIs, and the latest hardware. We are excited about bringing Animation:Master to MacOS X."
The MacOS X version is a true Mach-O application and requires Panther (OS 10.3) or later. Animation:Master is designed to work well across multiple platforms, so users of the MacOS X version may benefit from an array of resources available for learning the software. Hash's A:M Forums enable users to learn and share their experience with talented animators from around the world. Hash recently launched a site called A:M Films for users to showcase their animation and films at http://amfilms.hash.com. The site allows users of Animation:Master to post their work to a fast server free of charge. Anyone with a browser and QuickTime may view the films.
Hash Inc., founded by Martin Hash in Vancouver, Washington, has been marketing software tools for 3D character animation since early 1987.The company continues to design and build affordable software tools for artists and animators for use in independent and commercial production.