The luncheon awards ceremony for the 4th Annual Golden Marble awards was scheduled to take place on September 11, 2001 but was understandably cancelled due to the terrorist attacks that occurred that morning on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Although the ceremony was cancelled, the awards celebrating excellence in children's advertising were handed out. Leo Burnett was the big winner, taking home a total of seven awards, including one Golden Marble and six certificates of excellence for spots for Nike, Heinz and Nintendo. Among the winners: Calabash Animation received a certificate of excellence for Best Animation Company (cel), and Best Animation Company (SFX) awards were given to Merkley Newman Harty (certificate) and Grey Worldwide (gold). The 3rd annual Golden Marble Promotion Awards ceremony took place on September 10, 2001, with Universal Pictures taking home a total of 5 awards, including one for Best Overall Promotion for DR. SEUSS HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS. Cartoon Network, came away with two awards; one for "Best Promotion of a TV Show or Broadcaster" for the SHEEP IN THE BIG CITY program launch. To see the full list of winners go to: