Production Weekly tweeted that Stephen Sommers (G.I. JOE: RISE OF COBRA) is set to adapt Dean Koontz's ODD THOMAS series into feature films.
Production Weekly tweeted that Stephen Sommers (G.I. JOE: RISE OF COBRA) is set to adapt Dean Koontz's ODD THOMAS series into feature films. In ODD THOMAS, the first book in the series, the title character uses his supernatural intuition to track a man he calls the Fungus Man, who is surrounded by spirits that signal impending death. The three other books in the series are titled FOREVER ODD, BROTHER ODD and ODD HOURS. A graphic novel prequel, titled IN ODD WE TRUST, was published in 2008 with a second prequel comic, ODD IS ON OUR SIDE, set for release on Oct. 5.