CMP Media's Gama Network will spotlight game development industry leaders as keynote speakers at its 17th annual Game Developers Conference (GDC), March 4 - 8, 2003, in San Jose, California. The GDC is the world's largest event exclusively devoted to game development, featuring more than 300 lectures, panels, tutorials and roundtable discussions across seven content tracks. Keynote speakers are: Warren Spector, founder of ION Storm, whose recent works include DEUS EX 2: INVISIBLE WAR; Bruce McMillan, executive vice president, EA Worldwide Studios; sound designer Dane Davis, whose work is featured in various films, including THE MATRIX and TREASURE PLANET; Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., professor of computer science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who coined the term "computer architecture;" Tack Jin Kim, CEO, NCSoft; and Bill Kroyer, senior animation director, Rhythm & Hues Studios. For a complete list of GDC 2003 event information visit