Famous Technologies has announced that version 1.5 of its stand-alone facialanimation system FAMOUSfaces is now shipping. The program, which is aimed atfilm, broadcast, games and location-based entertainment developers now boastssome amazing new features. The software allows character animators to createrealistic facial animation using one of, or a combination of any of thefollowing input devices: motion-capture, video, puppetry devices, voicerecognition or cluster targetting. New in version 1.5, animators can use theproduct as a plug-in to their favourite animation system (such as 3D StudioMAX3 or Lightwave 6), and input the facial motion data directly to their models.The new version also features realtime game animation -- this in-gametechnology now gives game designers a powerful solution to key-framing,with the aim of saving them time and money. FAMOUSfaces has adopted adifferent approach to that of other facial animation systems, an approachwhich could almost be described as facial animation capture. One majoradvantage of this approach is that the animation and dialogue matchperfectly, but one disadvantage is that the technology is designed to mimichuman facial movement, and can be a little too sterile for cartoon-style 3Danimation. Nonetheless, FAMOUSfaces is a time-saving cost effectivesolution for realistic facial animation which will suit the needs ofsmaller, and larger animation studios perfectly. For more information visitwww.famoustech.com.