Boston-based animation house Fablevision is slated to create two new shows
for Noggin, the new 24-hour educational network for kids from Nickelodeon
and the Children's Television Workshop. Fablevision will produce CECIL AND
HER VERY OWN UNIVERSE and SWAMP DOG. CECIL will feature a 12-year-old girl
and her robot dog who live in a underground society in the future. Cecil
dreams of leaving her mole-like life to see what above ground has in store.
SWAMP DOG features a 10-year-old boy named Gyro who travels through space
with his family and their travelling circus. In conjunction with the show,
kids will be able to give Gyro advice about his problems and adventures
Read "Once Upon a Napkin...The Blue Shoe," where Marcy Gardner reviews THE
BLUE SHOE, by FableVision's Peter Reynolds in Animation World Magazine.