Escape Studios Launches Master’s Degree Program in Character and Creature Creation

Led by industry veteran Michael Davies, the new program at Pearson College London features five key modules: Character and Creature Design; Modelling/Presentation; Technical Direction; Studio Project; and Production Project.

Escape Studios is launching a new MA in Character and Creature Creation, beginning September 2021, at Pearson College London; classes are planned to held in person, though classes may be held online depending upon government requirements. The new degree program is about designing, modeling, and rigging your own characters. Students will learn all the stages of character creation from design through to final render.

The new MA program, led by industry veteran Michael Davies, follows many years of industry consultation to create a unique degree that maps directly onto industry-relevant skills. Davies has been the undergraduate program leader for the last 2 years and brings his wide range of artistic and technical skills. He is also an accredited trainer for Maya and Unreal Engine. His film credits include The Hobbit; The Minions for the Illumination-McGuff studio; Batman vs Superman, Doctor Strange and Thor Ragnarok.

Program structure:

The MA Character & Creature Creation is a 48-week course including 18 weeks of class-based study time, a 10-week collaborative project and a 17-week final project.

Five key modules make up the MA including:

  1. Character and Creature Design
  2. Character and Creature Modelling/Presentation
  3. Character and Creature Technical Direction
  4. Studio Project
  5. Character & Creature Production Project

Applications are now being accepted. Additional information is available on the official course page HERE.

Source: Escape Studios