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Eidos announces 2nd Quarter Results

U.K.-based Eidos plc, one of the world's leading publishers and developers of entertainment software, announced their results for the three and six months ended September 30, 1999. Revenues for the quarter were BR£27.3 million (US$45.0 million), up from 21.8 million pounds for the corresponding period last year. On a U.S. GAAP basis the company's loss before tax for the quarter was £16.8 million ($27.8 million), giving a net loss of £12.8 million ($21.2 million) and a loss per share of 66.3 pence (109.4¢), compared to a net loss of £8.8million and a loss per share of 51.3 pence in the corresponding period lastyear. Revenues for the half year were £44.1 million ($72.7 million),compared to £47.6 million for the corresponding period last year. On a U.S.GAAP basis the Company's loss before tax for the half year was £38.1million ($62.8 million), giving a net loss of £27.1 million ($44.8 million)and a loss per share of 147.0 pence (242.6¢), compared to a net loss of£11.8 million and a loss per share of 69.1 pence in the correspondingperiod last year. Charles Cornwall, Chief Executive Officer for Edios plc,explains, "Following on from the quiet first quarter, Eidos' interimresults reflect the relatively fewer new releases in the period coupledwith increased levels of development and corporate activity." In November,Eidos plc announced the acquisition of a 19.96% holding in the U.S.-basedInternet company, Maximum Holdings. The software company also signed anagreement with the Disney Corporation to utilise three of their charactersin games for release next spring and beyond. With the company still reapingin good results from the million-copy sold LEGACY OF KAIN: SOUL REAVERgame, Eidos plc will enter the holiday selling season with a powerful newproduct line-up featuring highly anticipated titles like TOMB RAIDER: THELAST REVELATION, FIGHTING FORCE 2, RESIDENT EVIL 3 and GEX III for the GameBoy Color.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
