Nashville Film Festival (NaFF) 2007 Nashville, Tennessee, USAApril 19-26, 2007 Deadline: Nov. 15, 2006
Chosen by MOVIEMAKER MAGAZINE as one of "20 Film Festivals Worth The Entry Fee," Nashville Film Festival (NaFF) returns for its 38th international competition for features, shorts, documentaries, animation, experimental work, music videos and young filmmaker videos. NaFF also features children & family-themed films, special sections for Tennessee filmmakers, archival screenings, gay & lesbian-themed films, workshops, panel discussions, music showcases, and guest appearances by nationally recognized figures in the film and music worlds. All styles, genres and lengths of films are accepted.
The Regal Cinemas/Nashville Film Festival Dreammaker Award entitles the winning feature film to a industry/press screening in a Los Angeles County Regal Cinema. First prizes in the Short Narrative, Animation, College Student Short Narrative, and College Student Animation categories qualify the winning films for Academy Award consideration.
Nashville Film Festival celebrates Music City's heritage with unique music and film awards: Best Music In a Feature Film, to recognize particularly effective or innovative uses of music, whether through original score, imaginative musical arrangements or songs in a feature; and the Impact of Music Award, for the film (feature or documentary) that most effectively explores or celebrates the impact of music on the human experience.
Nashville Public Television (NPT) Humanitas Award acknowledges the film (feature or documentary) that best captures the human spirit and illuminates, in a high artistic manner, the most important characteristics of humanity. Winner receives $1,000 cash award and will be broadcast on NPT. All rights must be cleared for broadcast on local public TV.
Best Young Filmmaker Award (for filmmakers 18 and under) receives a $3,000 scholarship to Watkins Film School.
The early entry deadline is Sept. 1, 2006, regular entry deadline is Oct. 26, 2006 and the extended entry deadline is Nov. 15, 2006.
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