* Monday, October 30 Friday, November 3, 2000. Bourg-en-Bresse, France.
The 15th Animated Cartoon Festival For Young People is a biannual event which gives young people an opportunity to discover a wide array of productions from all over the world. The festival will hold tributes, exhibitions and workshops. The official selections will be screened within several programs during the festival. An international jury will give out official prizes to the films in competition. In addition, a jury made up of 11 15 year olds will give out "youth prizes." For more information contact the festival at: Maison des sociétés Immeuble Chambard, Bd Joliot Curie, 01000 Bourge-en-Bresse, France; Tel.: ++04 74 23 60 39; or Fax: ++04 74 24 82 80.