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Digital Musings From the Editor:

VFXWORLD finishes off 2005 with a look at the latest trends in digital acting and CG environments.

VFXWORLD finishes off 2005 with a look at the latest trends in digital acting and CG environments. Peter Plantec explores how the new Face Robot program from Softimage and the celebrated Massive crowd simulation software are part of a VFX convergence to improve digital acting. Barbara Robertson chats with Jay Redd of Sony Pictures Imageworks to give us a special sneak peek at MONSTER HOUSE, the upcoming feature that blends performance capture with keyframe animation in a new CGI hybrid. And speaking of Imageworks, Jim Berney concludes our exclusive CHRONICLES OF NARNIA production diaries with his studios invaluable contributions to the epic blockbuster from Disney and Walden.

Bill DesowitzEditor

Bill Desowitz's picture

Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.
